假设我有一个 .NET DLL 的发布版本,它是在发布模式下构建的,没有调试符号。这个 DLL 是从非托管代码调用的,我可以使用调试/附加到进程附加到运行它的进程。

Is it possible to add a breakpoint when, for example, some specific method is entered? I'm aware that I won't have source code and won't be able to step through the application, I just want execution to stop at that point to investigate the system state in the immediate window. Since "method names" are available to the .NET runtime even in Release Builds, I assume that this should be possible somehow.

What I've tried:

  • Debug/New Breakpoint/Break at Function. Does not break, probably due to missing symbols.
  • Hit Break All in the tool bar. This breaks, but the Immediate Window says Unable to evaluate the expression for every expression, probably due to the fact that no managed code is executing at the moment.

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