我想使用 C# windows 窗体创建 PDF 查看器。它必须看起来像 Adob​​e Acrobat Reader,但功能更少(只是缩放和旋转)。我不想为此使用 Acrobat Reader 或其他 progs。这是我找到的一个示例:http: //www.codeproject.com/Articles/37458/PDF-Viewer-Control-Without-Acrobat-Reader-Installe 但他们使用的不是免费的 iTextSharp 和 PDFlibe.net 库。有人可以为此指出一个好方法或免费图书馆吗?


1 回答 1


Looks like you've answered your own question already! I've only used iTextSharp in the past, so I can't comment on PDFlibe.net. It looks like the new version of iTextSharp uses a more restrictive license, so I'd look for v4 (google is your friend), which should suffice for what you need.

于 2013-11-12T12:10:23.180 回答