我在 Visual Studio 中设计了一个网站,现在开始研究该网站的数据库方面。我目前正在使用 Azure 托管该站点,我想知道最好在 Azure 上创建数据库,然后将其连接到 asp.net 或在 Visual Studio 中设计它,然后连接到 Azure,以便我可以将其存储在那里? 当我出于设计目的对其进行测试时,我也经常在本地运行该网站,那么在 Azure 中构建它会影响这一点吗?我也在使用 Visual Studio Ultimate 2013,但它是一个预发布版本,我不能使用 azure sdk。它可以在 2013 完整版上运行吗?
41 次
1 回答
Azure SQL Database at its core is essentially compatible with standard SQL Server. There is a published guide on what the limitations are (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee336245.aspx) that you should understand first but I'd recommend that you work locally and then push your changes to Azure SQL Database. Note that like any changes to schemas / databases in SQL Server you'll still need to manage those transitions appropriately as part of your deployment process. HTH.
于 2013-11-12T12:09:51.873 回答