I'm not experienced in Durandal but have some positive background working with KO. I would recommend you to apply module pattern and incapsulate all your API service methods into the separate class (lets call it Router) also putting it into separate file. And then use methods of the Router class inside viewmodels.
// file with Router class
(function ($, ko, app) {
app.Router = function () {
var self = this;
self.get = function (url, queryString, callBack) {
$.get(url, data, function(data) {
self.post = function (url, queryString, callBack) {
$.post(url, data, function(data) {
})(jQuery, ko, window.app)
// file with viewmodel
(function ($, ko, app) {
app.UserModel = function () {
var self = this;
//create instance of Router class.
//Create it here just for the example. Will be better to create it out of the models to have just one instance.
//Or convert Router class to singleton
var router = new app.Router();
self.getUserDetails = function() {
//use proper router method to GET data, providing params
router.get(properRestServiceUrl, {userID: 1}, self.showUserDetails);
self.addMessage = function() {
//use proper router method to POST data, providing params
router.post(properRestServiceUrl, {userID: 1, message: 'test message'}, self.showConfirmation);
//callback function
self.showUserDetails = function(data) {
//callback function
self.showConfirmation = function(data) {
alert("The message was added successfully!");
})(jQuery, ko, window.app)