I'm trying to insert data into a SQL Server CE local database but having an issue I can't solve for the life of me.

foreach (var player in cells)
    var sql = new SqlCeConnection(
        @"Data Source=H:\Repositories\NHL-Connected\NHLConnected\NHLScraper\app.sdf");

        var cmd =
            new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO Players (PlayerID, PlayerName, Team_Abbreviation) Values ( '" +
                player.ID.Replace("/ice/player.htm?id=", null) + "," + player.Name + "," +
                player.Team + "')", sql);

        int affectedRows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

        if (affectedRows > 0) Console.WriteLine("Successful.");
        else Console.WriteLine("Failed.");
    catch (SqlCeException ex)

The exception/error I'm getting is

The count of column names and source expressions do not match [Column name count = 3, Source expression count = 1]

I'm unsure if I'm doing this correctly.

Please advise.


4 回答 4


You simply misplaced and forgot some single quotes which results in a single string value. Maybe you should rethink how you construct your sql code and use parameters instead:

Try something like this:

var cmd = new SqlCeCommand(
    "INSERT INTO Players (PlayerID, PlayerName, Team_Abbreviation) VALUES (@ID, @Name, @Team);", sql);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", player.ID.Replace("/ice/player.htm?id=", null));
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", player.Name);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Team", player.Team);
于 2013-11-12T07:31:01.503 回答

You doing all in one " ' ' " <-- It thinks its one Column

var cmd = new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO Players (PlayerID, PlayerName,  Team_Abbreviation) Values (@PlayerID,@PlayerName,@Team_Abbreviation)", sql);

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PlayerID", PlayerIDTxt);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PlayerName", PlayerNameTxt);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Team_Abbreviation", Team_AbbreviationTxt);

int affectedRows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();


于 2013-11-12T07:30:54.080 回答

You are inserting single Quote as an extra character as below:

 new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO Players (PlayerID, PlayerName, Team_Abbreviation) Values ( '" +
                                         player.ID.Replace("/ice/player.htm?id=", null) + "," + player.Name + "," +
                                         player.Team + "')", sql);

should be :

 new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO Players (PlayerID, PlayerName, Team_Abbreviation) Values(player.ID.Replace("/ice/player.htm?id=", null) + ",'" + player.Name + "','" +
                                         player.Team + "')", sql);
于 2013-11-12T07:31:01.810 回答

Try adding a '`' to your variables, so they are 3 distinct ones

player.ID.Replace("/ice/player.htm?id=", null) + "," + player.Name + "," +
            player.Team + "')", sql);

in your code above, you have 1 ` to start, and one to end, you need one for each variable

于 2013-11-12T07:31:45.793 回答