什么?我读了 100 遍,我还是不明白。
简而言之,它只是意味着您可以在闭包中使用 $this ,它将引用实例(如果有的话),而不必将 $this 重新分配给 $me 并通过 use () ...
class A {
function __construct($val) {
$this->val = $val;
function getClosure() {
//returns closure bound to this object and scope
return function() { return $this->val; };
$ob1 = new A(1);
$ob2 = new A(2);
$cl = $ob1->getClosure(); // $this in the closure will be $ob1
echo $cl(), "\n"; // thus printing 1
$cl = $cl->bindTo($ob2); // $this in the closure will be changed (re-binded) to $ob2
echo $cl(), "\n"; // thus printing 2
set 是$this
// by default, in global scope $this is null
$cl = function() {
return isset($this) && $this instanceof \DateTime ? $this->format(\DateTime::ISO8601) : 'null';
printf("%s\n", $cl()); // prints 'null'
// bind a new instance of this \Closure to an instance of \DateTime
$b = new \DateTime();
$cl = $cl->bindTo($b);
printf('%s\n', $cl()); // prints current date