我想在时间步长不恒定的 Matlab 中实现与 Galois 场的离散集成。假设它是这样的:
function [ int ] = integrate_matlab( YDataVector, a, b )
%integrate_matlab Calculate the discrete integral
% Discrete Matlab Integration
% int_1^N x(t_k) * (b-a)/N, where t_k = a + (b-a) k/N
% YDataVector - Galois vector (255 x 1 gf), this is signal,
% which values you can reach by YDataVector.x
% int - returns Galois vector (255 x 1 gf)
N = length(YDataVector);
for k=1:N
tk = a + (b - a) * k/N;
int = xtk(YDataVector, k) * (b - a) / N;
% How to implement the function xtk(YDataVector)?
然后是函数 xtk
function [ xtk_result ] = xtk( YDataVector, k )
%xkt Summary of this function goes here
% YDataVector - Galois vector (255 x 1 gf), this is signal
% xtk_result - Galois vector (255 x 1 gf)
% k - index, this must be here to be able calculate different xtk for different iterations
xtk_result = ; // I do not know what to fill here
t_0 = a;
t_1 = a + (b - a) * 1/N;
实施系列 x(tk) 时我在想什么?