我有一些看起来像的 HTML

<!-- start content -->

我需要从评论中提取 HTML 到结束 dl 标记。结束的 dl 是评论之后的第一个(不确定之后是否还有更多,但之前从来没有)。两者之间的 HTML 在长度和内容上是可变的,并且没有任何好的标识符。

我看到可以使用#comment 节点选择评论本身,但是我如何从评论开始并以我所描述的 HTML 关闭标记结尾的 HTML?


    String myDirectoryPath = "D:\\Path";
    File dir = new File(myDirectoryPath);
    Document myDoc;
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<!--\\s*start\\s*content\\s*-->([\\S\\s]*?)</\\s*dl\\s*>");
    for (File child : dir.listFiles()) {
        File file = new File(child.getAbsolutePath());
        String charSet = "UTF-8";
        String innerHtml = Jsoup.parse(file,charSet).select("body").html();
        Matcher m = p.matcher(innerHtml);
        if (m.find()) {
            Document doc = Jsoup.parse(m.group(1)); 
            String myText = doc.text();
            try {
                PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("D:\\Path\\combined.txt", true)));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                //error                }

2 回答 2


To use a regex, maybe something simple

 #  "<!--\\s*start\\s*content\\s*-->([\\S\\s]*?)</\\s*dl\\s*>"

 <!-- \s* start \s* content \s* -->
 </ \s* dl \s* >
于 2013-11-11T23:32:46.070 回答

这是一些示例代码 - 它可能需要进一步改进 - 取决于您想要做什么。

final String html = "<p>abc</p>" // Additional tag before the comment
        + "<!-- start content -->\n"
        + "<p>Blah...</p>\n"
        + "<dl><dd>blah</dd></dl>"
        + "<p>def</p>"; // Additional tag after the comment

// Since it's not a full Html document (header / body), you may use a XmlParser
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html, "", Parser.xmlParser());

for( Node node : doc.childNodes() ) // Iterate over all elements in the document
    if( node.nodeName().equals("#comment") ) // if it's a comment we do something
        // Some output for testing ...
        System.out.println("=== Comment =======");
        System.out.println(node.toString().trim()); // 'toString().trim()' is only out beautify
        System.out.println("=== Childs ========");

        // Get the childs of the comment --> following nodes
        final List<Node> childNodes = node.siblingNodes();

        // Start- and endindex for the sublist - this is used to skip tags before the actual comment node
        final int startIdx = node.siblingIndex();   // Start index - start after (!) the comment node
        final int endIdx = childNodes.size();       // End index - the last following node

        // Iterate over all nodes, following after the comment
        for( Node child : childNodes.subList(startIdx, endIdx) )
             * Do whatever you have to do with the nodes here ...
             * In this example, they are only used as Element's (Html Tags)
            if( child instanceof Element )
                Element element = (Element) child;

                 * Do something with your elements / nodes here ...
                 * You can skip e.g. 'p'-tag by checking tagnames.

                // Stop after processing 'dl'-tag (= closing 'dl'-tag)
                if( element.tagName().equals("dl") )
                    System.out.println("=== END ===========");



=== Comment =======
<!-- start content -->
=== Childs ========
=== END ===========


String commentText = ((Comment) node).getData();
于 2013-11-12T22:16:35.663 回答