<div class="myThing"></div>
<div class="myThing2"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$.getJSON('/test/getsubtopics.php', function(data) {
我想在它自己的 .myThing 和 .myThing2 div 中获取每个 subtopic_id 和 subtopic_name (分别)
以下是我的数据是如何从 getsubtopics.php 输入的:
$subtopic_id = array();
$subtopic_name = array();
$find_forum_subtopics = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id, subTopicName FROM forumSubTopics WHERE topicID='$forum_topic_id' ORDER BY listValue ASC");
while ($find_forum_subtopics_row = mysqli_fetch_array($find_forum_subtopics)) {
$subtopic_id[] = $find_forum_subtopics_row['id'];
$subtopic_name[] = $find_forum_subtopics_row['subTopicName'];
$arr = array("subtopic_id" => $subtopic_id, "subtopic_name" => $subtopic_name);
echo json_encode($arr);
subtopic_id: Array[56]
0: "1"
1: "2"
2: "3"
3: "4"
4: "5"
5: "6"
6: "7"
7: "8"
8: "9"
9: "10"
10: "12"
11: "13"
12: "14"
13: "15"
14: "16"
15: "17"
16: "18"
17: "19"
18: "20"
19: "21"
20: "22"
21: "23"
22: "24"
23: "25"
24: "26"
25: "27"
26: "28"
27: "29"
28: "30"
29: "31"
30: "32"
31: "33"
32: "34"
33: "35"
34: "36"
35: "37"
36: "38"
37: "39"
38: "40"
39: "41"
40: "42"
41: "43"
42: "44"
43: "45"
44: "46"
45: "47"
46: "48"
47: "49"
48: "50"
49: "51"
50: "52"
51: "53"
52: "54"
53: "55"
54: "56"
55: "57"
subtopic_name: Array[56]
0: "So Glad To Have You!"
1: "What's New in the World of Marriage?"
2: "Feedback and Site Help"
3: "Companionship"
4: "Commitment"
5: "Communication"
6: "Selflesness"
7: "Respect"
8: "Forgiveness"
9: "Trust"
10: "Intimacy and Quality Time"
11: "Mood and Romance"
12: "Foreplay and Sex"
13: "Physical Appearance and Attraction"
14: "His Needs and Her Needs"
15: "Date Nights and Fun Ideas"
16: "Wife/Mother"
17: "Husband/Father"
18: "Pregnancy"
19: "Parenting"
20: "Children"
21: "In-Laws"
22: "Grandparenting"
23: "Blended Family"
24: "Military Marriages"
25: "Interracial/Intercultural/Interfaith Marriages"
26: "Long Distance Marriages"
27: "Aging Parents"
28: "Adoption"
29: "Friends/Ex's"
30: "Communication"
31: "Credit/Debt"
32: "Budgeting/Planning"
33: "Giving/Saving"
34: "Investing"
35: "Child SUpport/Alimony"
36: "Unemployment"
37: "Just Married"
38: "Depression"
39: "Stress"
40: "Illness/Disability"
41: "Infertility"
42: "Abortion"
43: "LGBT"
44: "Pornography"
45: "Abuse and Addiction"
46: "Separation"
47: "Divorce"
48: "Affairs/Adultery"
49: "Remarriage"
50: "Faith and Spirituality"
51: "Temptation"
52: "Lack of Intercourse"
53: "Drifting Aapart"
54: "Empty Nest"
55: "Losing a Loved One"