背景我正在将值从文本文件传输到 sqlite 数据库。这些值存储在列表中,然后传输到数据库中(下)


我想要什么现在我想从数据库中获取值并将它们输出到应用程序中的文本框。基本上,用户应该单击一个按钮,上面写着“显示文件”,它应该只是将数据库中的所有列值显示到 c# 文本框中,本质上我只是重新创建数据库(在文本框中)。

问题: 我根本不知道 sqlite 或 sql 语法(新程序员)。我知道我必须使用 select 运行查询,但是我将如何选择所有列然后在文本框中显示所有列?


 sqlite_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM abc";

 //Command object gives us a datareader object
 sqlite_datareader = sqlite_cmd.ExecuteReader();

 private void textBox1_TextChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // SQlite datareader allows us to run through the lines
    // while ( sqlite_datareader.Read())

     // Below is my approach on trying to display all column values
     // textbox1.Text = sqlite_datareader["Seq", "Field "," Desc "," Len ", etc etc ]; 




旁注: 由于数据库内容庞大,文本框大小有限,如果我能得到一些水平和垂直滚动条就太好了


2 回答 2

private void FillMyTextbox( )
    // open your database connection
    var sqlLiteConnection = OpenYourConnection( );

    // create command
    using( var sqlLiteCommand = sqlLiteConnection.CreateCommand( ) )
        sqlLiteCommand.CommandText = "select * from abc";

        // create the reader
        using( var sqlLiteReader = sqlLiteCommand.ExecuteReader( ) )
            // a StringBuilder to store the contents of your table 
            var allRecords = new StringBuilder( );

            while( sqlLiteReader.Read( ) )
                for( int i = 0; i < sqlLiteReader.FieldCount; i++ )
                    // either adress the column via an index or its name
                    var columnContentAsString = sqlLiteReader[ i ].ToString( );
                    allRecords.Append( columnContentAsString );
                allRecords.Append( Environment.NewLine );

            textBox1.Text = allRecords.ToString( );

    // somehow close/dispose your connection

我希望这段代码能让您了解如何访问您的数据表。该using语句将负责处理阅读器和命令对象。我建议使用 aDataGridView来显示您的数据,而不是使用 aTextBox但也许出于测试目的它可以。

于 2013-11-11T17:19:00.330 回答
use datagrid instead of textbox

//Con = Connection Object
//Create Command Object
string sql;
SqlDataAdapter da;
DataTable dt;
SqlCommand com = con.createCommand();

//abc = your table name
//Provide Statement to Command Object
sql = " SELECT * FROM abc";
//Create New Datatable to fill with data
dt = new DataTable();

//Create DataAdapter to fill data in DataTable via Adapter
da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con);

//gridView1 = Your GridView Name
gridView1.DataSource = dt;
于 2013-11-11T17:39:25.450 回答