代码如下。我有一个名为 book_b 的数据成员,在函数 OB::x() 中,这个 unordered_map 插入了对象。在第一次插入时,键为 10,在 key=10 处插入的新对象工作正常。但是,当 key=10 再次出现时,我预计会在 key=10 处创建并插入一个新对象(替换 key=10 处的前一个对象)。然而,一旦 OB::x() 返回,当我们回到 OB::y() 时,就好像从未插入过新对象。
我认为这应该可行,因为我通过指向修改其状态的函数的指针传递 book_b 对象?我担心我的基本理解有问题。
class OB{
void y(O lo);
void x(std::unordered_map<int, PL>* book, int a, long b);
std::unordered_map<int, PL> book_b;
std::unordered_map<int, PL> book_a;
void OB::y(O lo){
//Code which obtains parameters to use in x() from lo
int a = o.getA();
long b = o.getB();
//This is the data member the below function will insert an object in to
std::unordered_map<int,PL>* book = &book_b;
//This is the function which should be changing the state of book.
//It works on the first call (when a new object is inserted) but on repeated calls
//(where the object may be replaced with a new object with the same key) it acts
//as if the new key-value pair wasnt replacing the existing key-value pair.
x(book, a, b);
//Works when book is empty and we insert a new PL object, however, when I go to "overwrite"
//an existing PL object with the same key (a) it doesn't hold state once the function returns
void OB::x(std::unordered_map<int,PL>* book, int a, long b){
PL temp;
book->insert(std::make_pair(a, temp));