有没有办法从另一个模块中调用 NancyFX 动作?

public class FirstModule : NancyModule
    public FirstModule()

        Post["/FirstMethod/{id}"] = parameters =>
            var response =  <Call second module and SecondMethod>;
            return View["blah"]


public class SecondModule : NancyModule
    public SecondModule()
        Post["SecondMethod/{id}"] = parameters =>
            Do some stuff....

3 回答 3


正如其他评论者所指出的,这样做似乎是一种设计气味。不管 ...

更改 SecondModule 的代码,如下所示:

public class SecondModule : NancyModule
    public SecondModule()
        Post["SecondMethod/{id}"] = SecondMethod;

    public object SecondMethod(dynamic p)
        //Do some stuff...


Post["/FirstMethod/{id}"] = parameters =>
    var secondModule = new SecondModule(); //use dependency injection in real code 
    var response =  secondModule.SecondMethod(parameters);
    return View["blah"]

当然,正如@Christian 所提到的,最好的方法是将公共代码移出一个完全独立的类,并让两个模块都调用它。

于 2014-01-09T21:12:35.300 回答


这样做的好处是它允许通过同一个 url 访问多个模块中的多个操作,但将事物封装在最合乎逻辑的位置。


public class IndexModule : BaseModule
    public IndexModule()
        Get["/"] = parameters =>
            // Here we want to handoff to the default action in another module; this keeps the URL the same
            var itemController = new DbItemModule { Context = this.Context };
            parameters.itemId = 5; // Specific item to load in target
            return itemController.itemHomeSharedLogic(parameters);


public class DbItemModule : BaseModule
    public GeneralModule() : base("/item")
        Get["/{itemId}"] = parameters => itemHomeSharedLogic(parameters);

    /// <summary>
    /// This is factored out of the /item/{itemId} route so it can be shared with IndexModule's default route.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameters">Object with (int)itemId property set for the item to show.</param>
    /// <returns>Value of the GET action handler for an item's homepage.</returns>
    public Negotiator itemHomeSharedLogic(dynamic parameters)
        dynamic model = new ExpandoObject();
        // ...set model properties...

        return View["db/item/index", model];

    } // itemHomeSharedLogic
于 2015-06-10T21:04:17.647 回答

我同意设计一个 Nancy 应用程序,其中一条路由需要直接调用另一条路由是不好的做法。但是,我有一个相关但不同的场景。我有一个应用程序,其中许多路由代表数据库中的项目。这些路由可能采用/{type}/{guidPrimaryKey}/{type}/{humanReadableKey}什至的形式/{type}/{humanReadableKey}/rev/{revision}。考虑一个表单,用户需要告诉服务器要使用数据库中的哪个项目。除了搜索功能之外,我还希望用户能够粘贴代表数据库项目的 URL。我不希望在多个位置拥有所有不同 URL 结构的代码逻辑,因此最好将 URL 作为参数传递给一个路由并从它所代表的路由中获取响应。经过一番黑客攻击,我找到了一个可行的解决方案。

创建一个类来计算依赖于核心 Nancy 路由接口的响应

public class UrlDispatcher
  private IRequestDispatcher _dispatcher;
  private INancyContextFactory _contextFactory;

  public UrlDispatcher(IRequestDispatcher dispatcher
    , INancyContextFactory contextFactory)
    _dispatcher = dispatcher;
    _contextFactory = contextFactory;

  public async Task<Response> GetResponse(NancyContext context
    , string url, CancellationToken ct)
    var request = new Request("GET", new Url(url), null
      , context.Request.Headers.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, k => k.Value));
    var ctx = _contextFactory.Create(request);
    return _dispatcher.Dispatch(ctx, ct);


public class Bootstrapper : Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet.DefaultNancyAspNetBootstrapper
  private static UrlDispatcher _dispatcher;
  public static UrlDispatcher Dispatcher { get { return _dispatcher; } }

  protected override void ApplicationStartup(Nancy.TinyIoc.TinyIoCContainer container
    , Nancy.Bootstrapper.IPipelines pipelines)
    base.ApplicationStartup(container, pipelines);
    _dispatcher = container.Resolve<UrlDispatcher>();


public class FirstModule : NancyModule
  public FirstModule()
    Post["/FirstMethod/{id}", true] = async (parameters, ct) =>
      var response = await Bootstrapper.Dispatcher.GetResponse(this.Context
        , "http://test/SecondMethod/" + (string)parameters.id, ct);
      return View["blah"]
于 2017-04-21T19:10:03.400 回答