在请求新的弹性 IP 时,我们可以指定/输入 IP。

原因是我之前有一个 IP,但我不小心从我的 AWS 账户中删除了它。有没有办法,我可以将该 IP 取回我的 AWS 账户?


2 回答 2


您可以,根据 AWS 的新公告,您可以使用 AWS-CLI 恢复意外发布的

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 现在允许客户恢复意外发布的 EIP

于 2017-08-17T06:55:25.613 回答

Sorry, that will not be possible. Are you sure you removed it from your account and not just de-allocated it? If you have removed it, then the IP would have gone into the pool and could be used by someone else already.

On a side note, to avoid such issues in the future, it would be best to base your solution around DNS CNAME entries rather than IP addresses. Route 53 can help with this. GoDaddy and other products work as well, however Route 53 updates the DNS table much faster and can be integrated into your solution via APIs if you require it to. Of course this is if your solution can work with CNAMEs rather than IP Addresses.

于 2013-11-11T09:06:04.220 回答