I am trying to create a carry-look-ahead adder/subtractor unit as part of an ALU using VHDL. unlike a conventional adder, this unit must recognize both 32-bit unpacked data and 16-bit packed data and treat them accordingly. So, if I choose to add two 32-bit unpacked quantities, it should give me a 32-bit unpacked result. However, if I want to add four 16-bit packed quantities, it should give me two 16-bit packed results.


32_bit_A + 32_bit_B = 32_bit_A+B

16_bit_A + 16_bit_B, 16_bit_C + 16_bit_D = 16_bit_A+B, 16_bit_C+D

I've tried to implement such a thing using a MODE bit which will determine whether or not I'm using packed or unpacked data, however, my VHDL compiler keeps telling me that it it is expecting the generate keyword, among other errors that I am rather confused about. I should note that this design compiles and works perfectly for unpacked data, that is, without the conditional statements and cla4 and cla5. I would appreciate some explanation as to what I'm doing wrong. Thanks

library IEEE;

entity thirty_two_bit_cla is
    A : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  -- 32-bit augend
    B : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  -- 32-bit addend
    SUM : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  -- 32-bit sum
    CARRY_OUT : out std_logic;                -- carry out
    CARRY_IN  : in  std_logic;                -- carry in
    P_G       : out std_logic;                -- group propagate
    G_G       : out std_logic;                -- group generate
    MODE      : in  std_logic                 -- 16 or 32-bit addition (0 or 1 respectively)
end thirty_two_bit_cla;

architecture structural of thirty_two_bit_cla is

signal G : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);      --generate signals         
signal P : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);      --propagate signals
signal C : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);      --carry signals

    --Treat data as 32-bit unpacked
    if(MODE = '1') then
    sixteen_bit_cla0: entity sixteen_bit_cla port map(A=>A(15 downto 0),
                                                      B=>B(15 downto 0),
                                                  SUM=>SUM(15 downto 0),
                                                            P_G => P(0),
                                                           G_G => G(0));

    sixteen_bit_cla1: entity sixteen_bit_cla port map(A=>A(31 downto 16),
                                                      B=>B(31 downto 16),
                                                  SUM=>SUM(31 downto 16),
                                                             P_G => P(1),
                                                            G_G => G(1));

    C(0) <= CARRY_IN;
    C(1) <= G(0) or (P(0) and C(0));
    C(2) <= G(1) or (P(1) and C(1));

    CARRY_OUT <= C(2);
    P_G <= P(0) and P(1);

    --Treat data as 16-bit packed
    elsif (MODE = '0') then
    sixteen_bit_cla4: entity sixteen_bit_cla port map(A=>A(15 downto 0),
                                                      B=>B(15 downto 0),
                                                  SUM=>SUM(15 downto 0),

    sixteen_bit_cla5: entity sixteen_bit_cla port map(A=>A(31 downto 16),
                                                      B=>B(31 downto 16),
                                                  SUM=>SUM(31 downto 16),
    end if;

end structural;


# Compile Entity "thirty_two_bit_cla"
# Compile Architecture "structural" of Entity "thirty_two_bit_cla"
# Error: COMP96_0329: 32 bit cla.vhd : (26, 5): Generate statement must have a label.
# Error: COMP96_0019: 32 bit cla.vhd : (26, 20): Keyword 'generate' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0019: 32 bit cla.vhd : (52, 2): Keyword 'end' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0016: 32 bit cla.vhd : (52, 8): Design unit declaration expected.
# Compile Entity "sixteen_bit_cla"
# Error: COMP96_0019: 32 bit cla.vhd : (53, 43): Keyword 'is' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0015: 32 bit cla.vhd : (53, 48): '(' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0028: 32 bit cla.vhd : (53, 48): Identifier or keyword expected.
# Error: COMP96_0015: 32 bit cla.vhd : (53, 48): ';' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0019: 32 bit cla.vhd : (53, 51): Keyword 'end' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0015: 32 bit cla.vhd : (53, 51): ';' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0016: 32 bit cla.vhd : (53, 52): Design unit declaration expected.
# Compile Entity "sixteen_bit_cla"
# Error: COMP96_0019: 32 bit cla.vhd : (58, 45): Keyword 'is' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0015: 32 bit cla.vhd : (58, 50): '(' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0028: 32 bit cla.vhd : (58, 50): Identifier or keyword expected.
# Error: COMP96_0015: 32 bit cla.vhd : (58, 50): ';' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0019: 32 bit cla.vhd : (58, 53): Keyword 'end' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0015: 32 bit cla.vhd : (58, 53): ';' expected.
# Error: COMP96_0016: 32 bit cla.vhd : (58, 54): Design unit declaration expected.
# Compile failure 18 Errors 0 Warnings  Analysis time :  16.0 [ms]
# ULM: Warning: ULM_0021 Architecture `structural' of entity `register_file.thirty_two_bit_cla' is not up-to-date.

2 回答 2


您正在尝试在进程之外使用顺序 IF 语句。它期望关键字 IF 成为生成方案和生成语句的一部分。

(不,您不想使用生成语句)。您想要引导数据,而不是实例化。如果您的 16 位加法器连接正确,则看起来您只是在操纵进位链。你不需要复制加法器来做到这一点。

这应该给你相当于你的 MODE 选择的操作,除了对 CARRY_OUT、G_G 和 P_G 没有 NULL 分配:

--Treat data as 32-bit unpacked
-- if(MODE = '1') then
sixteen_bit_cla0: entity sixteen_bit_cla port map(A=>A(15 downto 0),
                                                  B=>B(15 downto 0),
                                              SUM=>SUM(15 downto 0),
                                                        P_G => P(0),
                                                       G_G => G(0));

sixteen_bit_cla1: entity sixteen_bit_cla port map(A=>A(31 downto 16),
                                                  B=>B(31 downto 16),
                                              SUM=>SUM(31 downto 16),
                                                         P_G => P(1),
                                                        G_G => G(1));

C(0) <= CARRY_IN;  -- both modes
C(1) <= G(0) or (P(0) and C(0)) when MODE = '1' else
C(2) <= G(1) or (P(1) and C(1));

CARRY_OUT <= C(2) when MODE = '1' else
G_G<=C(2)  when MODE = '1' else
P_G <= P(0) and P(1) when MODE = '1' else
-- --Treat data as 16-bit packed
-- elsif (MODE = '0') then
-- sixteen_bit_cla4: entity sixteen_bit_cla port map(A=>A(15 downto 0),
--                                                   B=>B(15 downto 0),
--                                               SUM=>SUM(15 downto 0),
--                                                 CARRY_IN=>CARRY_IN);
-- sixteen_bit_cla5: entity sixteen_bit_cla port map(A=>A(31 downto 16),
--                                                   B=>B(31 downto 16),
--                                               SUM=>SUM(31 downto 16),
--                                                  CARRY_IN=>CARRY_IN);
-- end if;

end structural;

我不会停下来编写sixteen_bit_cla 和一个测试台来验证它。买者自负。

于 2013-11-11T05:32:08.510 回答

为什么不直接编写a <= b + c;而不是创建自己的波纹进位加法器?


于 2013-11-11T18:53:45.563 回答