This program calculates the surface gravities of 9 planets, prints the data to the screen in a formatted table, and is supposed to print only the surfaceGravity values to a file. I'm not sure why my code won't print the calculated surfaceGravity value to the file called gravities2.txt. Can someone please provide some enlightenment? Is it maybe because the gravity data is not put into an array- it's just values that get looped through?

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.File;

public class GravityV1
   //print the data to screen
   public static void printResults(String[] names, double[] diameter, double[] mass, int x)

   //calculate the surface gravity
   public static double calcGravity(double m, double d)throws IOException
      double gravity = 0.0;    

      gravity = (((6.67E-11) * (m)) / (Math.pow((d) / 2, 2)));


      return gravity;        

   //writes gravity data to a text file
   public static void printToFile(double gravity)throws IOException
       File gravities = new File("gravity2.txt"); 

       PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(gravities);

       outFile.printf("%2.2f\n", gravity);

   //main method
   public static void main (String [ ] args) throws IOException
      double[] mass = { 3.30E23, 4.869E24, 5.972E24, 6.4219E23, 1.900E27, 5.68E26, 8.683E25, 1.0247E26, 1.27E22 };

      double[] diameter = { 4880000, 12103000.6, 12756000.3, 6794000, 142984000, 120536000, 51118000, 49532000, 2274000 };

      String[] names = { "Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto" };

      System.out.printf("%-7s%20s%20s%20s\n","Planet Name","Diameter","Mass(kg)", "g (m/s^2)");    

      for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
         printResults(names, diameter, mass, x);

         double surfaceGravity = calcGravity(mass[x], diameter[x]);

         System.out.printf("%17.2f\n", surfaceGravity);         


The output to the screen is correct, but unfortunately the file contains nothing. The file does get created, so I suppose that's one good thing... Any help is very greatly appreciated!!


3 回答 3


您需要关闭并冲洗PrintWriter. 这是因为 PrintWriter “缓冲”您的输出,或保存它,并且仅在保存相当数量的情况下才写入(这有助于您的程序运行得更快,因为它会导致更少的大写入而不是大量的小写入)。关闭或刷新文件会强制它写入。


于 2013-11-11T04:37:30.127 回答


1 - 你永远不会关闭PrintWriter. outFile.close()写完后需要调用。

2 - 由于您printToFile在 main 方法的循环中调用该方法,并且该方法PrintWriter每次调用时都会创建一个新对象,因此您最终会得到一个仅包含循环中 LAST 行星的文件。


于 2013-11-11T04:39:27.423 回答

在调用 printf 方法时尝试添加刷新。

于 2013-11-11T04:38:28.243 回答