I wanted to develop a widget container (still on python 2.7 and gtk2), which would be placed in a scrolled window, and could be freely moved and resized in the window, such that: click & drag within the widget would move it inside the window; and when widget's corners / edges are visible in the window, it would expose drag handles for resizing - otherwise, if it is bigger than the window area, it would scale up and down (zoom in and out) on middle-click.

Of course, I want to keep the amount of custom coding of this widget to a minimum, so I though looking into what's available in gtk2 first. It turns out, the only element exposing resize drag handles is gtk.Window - and at that, only if it is a main (or root) window; otherwise, if a window is placed inside a widget, its size is apparently set by the widget, and so there are no drag handles (not menus, titlebars etc). I was wandering why this is - and it seems it is due to multiple document interface (MDI) being considered evil by gtk developers, see e.g. Re: [gtk-list] Resizing widgets with a mouse or Does GTK support MDI? - Linux/BSD whirlpool.net.au.

Just to demonstrate the behavior that I want, I used a PyQt4 code from Python PyQt/PySide QMdiArea subwindows scroll not working in TabbedView - Stack Overflow, since as it turns out, Qt does have an MDI area. So here's the gist of it - if a corner is visible, a resize drag handle appears, and resize drag action can be started:


When you thus drag the corner outside of the window - the scrollbars automatically indicate the new size/position of the inner widget (note the window got also moved a bit in this screenshot below, that was manual and unintended):


Again, I don't really need a window (as in titlebars, menus) - just a widget container that would behave in this way, so I could put e.g. a table (e.g. TreeView) or an image in it, as the situation demands - and at least not worry about recalculating the "outer" scrollbars (naturally, I'd expect I'd have to code the rest of my custom behavior myself). Also, I just need a single widget placed in a window like that for now (so no "multiple document"s).

While Qt seems to offer this in a way, I don't have the possibility right now to get into it to the level of doing something like this; and the same goes for WxWindows (see e.g. wxPython-users - How to resize Widgets? - possible, but as there is no code there, I cannot see if geometry calculation coding is required or not).

So I was wondering - is there a widget I may have missed, that would implement the above behavior, and that I could take as a base for customization? If not, what options do I have to implement something like the above on gtk2 (eventually with Python)?


1 回答 1


我不确定这是否可行,但我建议调查一下GtkOffscreenWindow;将内部小部件放入其中,并将其渲染到 a GtkDrawingAreainside a GtkScrolledWindow。这可能会使滚动条根据绘图区域的大小正常运行。


  • 窗口标题栏,您必须自己渲染它们,因为 GTK 不知道它们,它们是窗口管理器的一部分。(注意,Qt 示例中的内部窗口与外部窗口的标题栏不同——我怀疑这是同一件事。)
  • 拖动手柄以调整窗口大小,您必须自己编写代码,如您所料。

您可能还想看看 Glade GUI 设计器是如何做到这一点的。

于 2013-11-11T08:30:53.890 回答