用户输入:ab +
我们的栈变成了 Stack = ["+", "b", "a"]
xpNode* createExpressionNode(char token[], xpNode *left, xpNode *right)
xpNode* createTree(Stack *stack){
xpNode *node;
get the top of the stack and store it in data
pop the stack
if the stack is empty, do something //im lost on what to do here
if the top is an integer, node = createExpressionNode(data, NULL NULL) //the left and right arguments will always be NULL because integer's wont have any children
if the top is a variable, node = createExpressionNode(data, NULL, NULL) //the left and right arguments will always be NULL because variables wont have any children
if the top is an operator, node = createExpressionNode(data, createTree(stack), createTree(stack)) //Operators have children so we need to recursively get them
return node
输入的结果:ab + 应该是一棵看起来像这样的树:
/ \
a b