C++ 允许您拥有指向不完整类型的指针。 struct node *dest
就是这样的野兽。您有对 的前向引用struct node
如果您需要两个在 C++ 中相互引用的类或结构,但不想在声明中使用struct
struct node; // Incomplete type, but makes `node` known to compiler as a struct.
struct adjacency; // Incomplete type, but makes `adjacency` known to compiler as a struct.
struct adjacency
node *dest;
adjacency *link;
struct node
char nodename;
node *next;
adjacency *adj;
风格指南:将 * 放在变量名旁边,而不是类型。这就是编译器看到它的方式,它会在你以后编写类似的东西时避免你的困惑struct node* next, prev;
不是指针。惯用的写法是struct node *next, *prev;