对于 JDK 8.x,我发现以下工作可以扩大内置 JOptionPane.showInputDialog 大部分部分的字体大小,尤其是按钮、文本框和组合框。
当您想要放大 99% 的输入对话框片段时,它甚至允许例外(将其视为“全部除外”策略),除了一两个片段。
导入 java.awt.*;
导入 java.util.ArrayList;
导入 java.util.Arrays;
导入 java.util.Collections;
导入 java.util.Comparator;
导入 java.util.List;
导入 java.util.Map;
导入 java.util.Objects;
导入 javax.swing.*;
* Changes the font size used in JOptionPane.showInputDialogs to make them more
* ADA section 508 compliant by making the text size larger, which is very nice
* for older people and anyone else with vision problems.
* @param fontSize
* - size of the font in pixels
private static void makeDialogsEasierToSee(int fontSize)
// This next one is very strange; but, without it,
// any subsequent attempt to set InternalFrame.titleFont will
// be ignored, so resist the temptation to remove it.
// define normal and bold fonts that we will use to override the defaults
Font normalFont = new Font(Font.MONOSPACED, Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
Font boldFont = normalFont.deriveFont(Font.BOLD);
// get a list of objects that we can try to adjust font size and style for
List<Map.Entry<Object, Object>> entries = new ArrayList<>(UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().entrySet());
// System.out.println(entries.size());
// remove anything that does NOT involve font selection
entries.removeIf(filter -> filter.getKey().toString().indexOf(".font") == -1);
// System.out.println(entries.size());
// Define a list of font sections of the screen that we do NOT want to
// enlarge/bold.
// The following is specific to jKarel so we do not obscure the display of
// "beeper piles" on the maps.
List<String> exempt = Arrays.asList("Panel.font");
// remove anything on the exempt list
entries.removeIf(filter -> exempt.contains(filter.getKey().toString()));
// System.out.println(entries.size());
// optional: sort the final list
Collections.sort(entries, Comparator.comparing(e -> Objects.toString(e.getKey())));
// apply normal font to all font objects that survived the filters
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : entries)
String key = entry.getKey().toString();
// System.out.println(key);
UIManager.put(key, normalFont);
UIManager.put("Label.font", boldFont);
UIManager.put("InternalFrame.titleFont", boldFont);