2 回答
在您的控制器中,使用此代码。在下面的代码中,jobs 是一个模型,并且配置文件接受_nested_attributes_for 作业。将 @profile 替换为您的表单的用途。第二行是构建表单域的内容,除非表单域已经存在。
def new
@profile = current_user.profile
1.times {@profile.jobs.build} unless current_user.profile.jobs.any?
自单数以来,您可能需要不时更改。实际上,您也许可以完全摆脱 times 方法并执行以下操作:
def new
@profile = current_user.profile
@profile.jobs.build unless current_user.profile.jobs.any?
The quick and dirty solution is to just use jQuery (which Cocoon requires anyways) to click Cocoon's "add item" button when the page loads:
$(document).ready(function() { $(".add_fields").click() } );
I use this in my "new" views, but not in "edit" views, since there may already be some nested items and I don't want to make assumptions. But you could also use script to count the nested item forms and conditionally show the "new item" fields.