我有一个正方形的 GUI 网格,我提示用户输入 (2^n) 的大小。然后我要求坐标在网格中放置一个白色正方形或“洞”。我无法将用户输入的“洞”放入我的网格中。
正如您在我的代码(在 main 方法中)中看到的那样,有一次尝试,但它不起作用。知道如何将这个“洞”放入我的网格中吗?
*截至目前,我不断收到此错误:方法声明无效;需要返回类型...... *但是当我的方法 myPan 以完全相同的方式工作且没有错误时,为什么我会得到这个?
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class trominoWarZ{
private int currentNum;
private int[][] grid;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("What size board do you want?");
double pw = input.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Coordinates of missing square?");
int x = input.nextInt();
int y = input.nextInt();
myHole hole = new myHole(x,y); //WANT TO SET x,y coord to WHITE
myPan panel = new myPan(pw); //this is how it reads size of board
JFrame application = new JFrame();
application.setSize(400, 400);
class myPan extends JPanel{
public double pow;
public double hc;
public static void drawHole(Graphics g, int x, int y) {
public myPan(double p){
pow = p;
public myHole(int h){
hc = h; //I will have the var hc to use for the hole
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
double num = Math.pow(2,pow);
double across;
double up;
if(pow % 2 == 0){ //is a square
// System.out.println("square");
across = Math.pow(num,0.5);
up = across;
double x = Math.floor(pow/2);
double y = x + 1;
across = Math.pow(2,x);
up = Math.pow(2,y);
// System.out.println(across);
// System.out.println(up);
double wid = 400/across; //width of one
double hi = 400/up; //height of one
double nowX = 0;
double nowY = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < up; i++){ //top to bottom
nowX = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < across; j++){
g.drawRect((int)nowX, (int)nowY, (int)wid, (int)hi);
nowX = nowX + wid;
nowY = nowY + hi;
//grid or whatever = g.fill
// public static void tromino(int size, int x, int y) {
// int actualsize = 1;
// while (actualsize < size) actualsize*=2;
// }