So I'm using an Amazon EC2 server as a test server of my production site.(Linux + Apache + PHP), and I have the same thing as in my GitHub as a repository.

Right now I'm making changes on my GitHub and I want to see the result in my website right away. I figured that I can just "mount" the git to a folder so there will be a symbolic link. Say I can do this to my webroot, every time the server will load content from the github in real time since it's mounted there.

Is there a way I can do this? Or there are better ways to deal with GitHub?


1 回答 1


最好的方法是通过部署脚本,例如Capistrano。这个脚本将基本上自动化登录到远程服务器的过程,从 GitHub 中提取 repo 内容,甚至设置系统配置和其他参数以使应用程序正常工作。

于 2013-11-10T07:30:27.240 回答