when users upload some files, the price tag for some files comes out as 2.97211$ instead of 2.97$ which leads to a
ERROR: #10401: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details. [Order total is invalid.]
error when they try to check out with the payment gateway.
Here is the code that is giving the problem
$filesize = filesize($file) * .0009765625; // bytes to KB
I have tried changing the .0009765625 variable to many different values .1002345625 .2342335622 etc etc to no avail.
I've also tried changing this part of the code.
else{return round($filesize, 2);}
to else{return round($filesize 0.02, 2);} which inflates the price to 400.52$ which makes the item unpayable.
How do i force the price to remain at 0.00$ instead of 0.00000$?