请注意,shell 不支持 MongoDBRef 的 $db 字段名,这就是它没有出现在那里的原因(仔细想想,它看起来像是 shell 中的一个错误,它甚至将数据转换为 DBRef JavaScript 对象)。
此外,MongoDBRef 只是一个约定。它并不神奇,也不做任何“自动获取”或“自动扩展”,它只是许多人用来“链接”同一集合中的文档的约定——在某些情况下,跨数据库。不过,并非所有 ODM(或与此相关的驱动程序)都支持 $db 字段名。
例如,这是我为这个问题编写的测试用例,它似乎在 MongoDB 2.4.6 和 PHP Driver 1.4.3 上本地运行良好
$mc = new MongoClient;
$companies = $mc->selectCollection("nc_main", "companies");
$users = $mc->selectCollection("nc_test", "users");
/* Create a user in nc_test.users */
$user = array(
"nick" => "bjori",
"title" => "Fixer",
/* Create a reference to the newly created user */
$userref = MongoDBRef::create("users", $user["_id"], "nc_test");
/* Create a company in nc_main.copmanies */
$company = array(
"name" => "MongoDB",
"maintainer" => $userref,
/* Fetch the inserted company again, just to make sure the roundtrip didn't
* modify the MongoDBRef in any way */
$mongodb = $companies->findOne(array("_id" => $company["_id"]));
/* Get the reference.. */
$maintainer = $mongodb["maintainer"];
/* Backtrac the database to select from by passing it as the first argument */
$bjori = MongoDBRef::get($mc->selectDb($maintainer['$db']), $maintainer);
array(3) {
object(MongoId)#14 (1) {
string(24) "528ab8c68c89fef7250041a7"
string(5) "bjori"
string(5) "Fixer"