我正在尝试将背景图像设置为固定并拉伸以适合屏幕。如果在每个页面加载时切换背景图像,我正在使用的 js
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Activate cloaking device
var randnum = Math.random();
var inum = 1;
// Change this number to the number of images you are using.
var rand1 = Math.round(randnum * (inum-1)) + 1;
images = new Array
images[1] = "http://simplywallpaper.net/pictures/2010/10/22/how_to_train_your_dragon_monstrous-nightmare.jpg"
images[2] = "tiler3.jpg"
images[3] = "wicker3.jpg"
images[4] = "aaa4.jpg"
// Ensure you have an array item for every image you are using.
var image = images[rand1]
// Deactivate cloaking device -->
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Activate cloaking device
document.write('<body background="' + image + '" text="white" >')
js 本身可以很好地随机化图像,但当前设置为 1 个图像