如何在 Java 中实现命名参数习语?(特别是对于构造函数)

我正在寻找一种类似于 Objective-C 的语法,而不是 JavaBeans 中使用的语法。



20 回答 20


我认为在构造函数中模拟关键字参数的最佳 Java 习语是 Builder 模式,在Effective Java 2nd Edition中进行了描述。

基本思想是拥有一个 Builder 类,该类具有用于不同构造函数参数的 setter(但通常不是 getter)。还有一个build()方法。Builder 类通常是它用来构建的类的(静态)嵌套类。外部类的构造函数通常是私有的。


public class Foo {
  public static class Builder {
    public Foo build() {
      return new Foo(this);

    public Builder setSize(int size) {
      this.size = size;
      return this;

    public Builder setColor(Color color) {
      this.color = color;
      return this;

    public Builder setName(String name) {
      this.name = name;
      return this;

    // you can set defaults for these here
    private int size;
    private Color color;
    private String name;

  public static Builder builder() {
      return new Builder();

  private Foo(Builder builder) {
    size = builder.size;
    color = builder.color;
    name = builder.name;

  private final int size;
  private final Color color;
  private final String name;

  // The rest of Foo goes here...

要创建 Foo 的实例,您可以编写如下内容:

Foo foo = Foo.builder()


  1. 设置模式非常冗长(如您所见)。可能不值得,除了您计划在许多地方实例化的类。
  2. 没有编译时检查是否所有参数都已指定一次。您可以添加运行时检查,也可以仅将其用于可选参数,并将必需参数设为 Foo 或 Builder 的构造函数的普通参数。(人们一般不会担心同一个参数被多次设置的情况。)


于 2010-01-01T06:32:48.387 回答


Foo foo = new Foo() {{
    color = red;
    name = "Fred";
    size = 42;


于 2010-01-01T09:59:37.060 回答

Java 8 风格:

public class Person {
    String name;
    int age;

    private Person(String name, int age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;

    static PersonWaitingForName create() {
        return name -> age -> new Person(name, age);

    static interface PersonWaitingForName {
        PersonWaitingForAge name(String name);

    static interface PersonWaitingForAge {
        Person age(int age);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Person charlotte = Person.create()

  • 命名参数
  • 固定参数的顺序
  • 静态检查 -> 不可能有无名的人
  • 很难意外切换相同类型的参数(就像在 Telescop 构造函数中一样)
于 2015-07-23T15:07:01.837 回答

您也可以尝试从这里遵循建议: http ://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=118828

int value; int location; boolean overwrite;
doIt(value=13, location=47, overwrite=true);


于 2012-03-05T17:47:41.060 回答

我想指出,这种风格既解决了命名参数又解决了属性功能,而没有其他语言具有的getset前缀。它在 Java 领域不是传统的,但它更简单、更短,尤其是在您处理过其他语言的情况下。

class Person {
    String name;
    int age;

    // name property
    // getter
    public String name() { return name; }

    // setter
    public Person name(String val)  { 
        name = val;
        return this;

    // age property
    // getter
    public int age() { return age; }

    // setter
    public Person age(int val) {
       age = val;
       return this;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // addresses named parameter
        Person jacobi = new Person().name("Jacobi Adane").age(3);
        // addresses property style
        // updates property values
        jacobi.name("Lemuel Jacobi Adane");

于 2015-11-22T08:50:52.610 回答

如果您使用的是 Java 6,则可以使用可变参数并导入静态来产生更好的结果。详情请见:



go(min(0), max(100));
go(max(100), min(0));
go(prompt("Enter a value"), min(0), max(100));
于 2010-12-08T08:47:15.617 回答

Java 不支持构造函数或方法参数的类似 Objective-C 的命名参数。此外,这确实不是 Java 的做事方式。在 java 中,典型的模式是详细命名的类和成员。类和变量应该是名词,命名的方法应该是动词。我想您可以发挥创造力并偏离 Java 命名约定并以一种 hacky 方式模拟 Objective-C 范式,但是负责维护您的代码的普通 Java 开发人员不会特别欣赏这一点。在使用任何语言工作时,您都应该遵守语言和社区的约定,尤其是在团队工作时。

于 2010-01-01T06:36:19.760 回答


public class Tiger {
String myColor;
int    myLegs;

public Tiger color(String s)
    myColor = s;
    return this;

public Tiger legs(int i)
    myLegs = i;
    return this;

Tiger t = new Tiger().legs(4).color("striped");
于 2011-03-24T02:48:27.743 回答


someMethod(/* width */ 1024, /* height */ 768);
于 2018-08-21T09:38:35.963 回答


public class Something {

    String name;
    int size; 
    float weight;

    public Something(String name, int size, float weight) {
        this.name = name;
        this.size = size;
        this.weight = weight;

    public static String name(String name) { 
        return name; 

    public static int size(int size) {
        return size;

    public float weight(float weight) {
        return weight;



import static Something.*;

Something s = new Something(name("pen"), size(20), weight(8.2));


  • 论证顺序是相关的
  • 单个构造函数无法实现可变参数列表
  • 每个参数都需要一个方法
  • 并不比评论更好(新的东西(/*name*/ "pen", /*size*/ 20, /*weight*/ 8.2)

如果您有选择,请查看 Scala 2.8。http://www.scala-lang.org/node/2075

于 2010-01-01T10:22:19.080 回答

使用 Java 8 的 lambda,您可以更接近真实的命名参数。

foo($ -> {$.foo = -10; $.bar = "hello"; $.array = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4};});

请注意,这可能违反了几十个“java 最佳实践”(就像任何使用该$符号的东西一样)。

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Usage
    foo($ -> {$.foo = -10; $.bar = "hello"; $.array = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4};});
    // Compare to roughly "equivalent" python call
    // foo(foo = -10, bar = "hello", array = [1, 2, 3, 4])

  // Your parameter holder
  public static class $foo {
    private $foo() {}

    public int foo = 2;
    public String bar = "test";
    public int[] array = new int[]{};

  // Some boilerplate logic
  public static void foo(Consumer<$foo> c) {
    $foo foo = new $foo();

  // Method with named parameters
  private static void foo_impl($foo par) {
    // Do something with your parameters
    System.out.println("foo: " + par.foo + ", bar: " + par.bar + ", array: " + Arrays.toString(par.array));


  • 比我迄今为止看到的任何构建器模式都要短得多
  • 适用于方法和构造函数
  • 完全键入安全
  • 它看起来非常接近其他编程语言中的实际命名参数
  • 它与典型的构建器模式一样安全(可以多次设置参数)


  • 你的老板可能会为此对你处以私刑
  • 很难说出发生了什么
于 2016-08-14T16:19:07.223 回答

您可以使用 Lombok 项目的@Builder 注解来模拟 Java 中的命名参数。这将为您生成一个构建器,您可以使用它来创建任何类的新实例(您编写的类和来自外部库的类)。


public class User {
    private final Long id;
    private final String name;


User userInstance = User.builder()

如果您想为来自库的类创建这样的 Builder,请创建一个带注释的静态方法,如下所示:

class UserBuilder {
    @Builder(builderMethodName = "builder")
    public static LibraryUser newLibraryUser(Long id, String name) {
        return new LibraryUser(id, name);


LibraryUser user = UserBuilder.builder()
于 2018-08-01T16:04:33.957 回答

这是一个经过编译器检查的 Builder 模式。注意事项:

  • 这不能防止参数的双重分配
  • 你不能有一个好的.build()方法
  • 每个字段一个通用参数

所以你需要一些课外的东西,如果不通过就会失败Builder<Yes, Yes, Yes>。以getSum静态方法为例。

class No {}
class Yes {}

class Builder<K1, K2, K3> {
  int arg1, arg2, arg3;

  Builder() {}

  static Builder<No, No, No> make() {
    return new Builder<No, No, No>();

  Builder<Yes, K2, K3> arg1(int val) {
    arg1 = val;
    return (Builder<Yes, K2, K3>) this;

  Builder<K1, Yes, K3> arg2(int val) {
    arg2 = val;
    return (Builder<K1, Yes, K3>) this;

  Builder<K1, K2, Yes> arg3(int val) {
    this.arg3 = val;
    return (Builder<K1, K2, Yes>) this;

  static int getSum(Builder<Yes, Yes, Yes> build) {
    return build.arg1 + build.arg2 + build.arg3;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Compiles!
    int v1 = getSum(make().arg1(44).arg3(22).arg2(11));
    // Builder.java:40: error: incompatible types:
    // Builder<Yes,No,Yes> cannot be converted to Builder<Yes,Yes,Yes>
    int v2 = getSum(make().arg1(44).arg3(22));
    System.out.println("Got: " + v1 + " and " + v2);

注意事项解释。为什么没有构建方法?问题是它会在Builder类中,并且会被参数化K1, K2, K3,等等。由于方法本身必须编译,它调用的所有东西都必须编译。所以,一般来说,我们不能在类本身的方法中进行编译测试。


于 2020-12-30T03:48:47.803 回答

这是Builder上面 Lawrence 描述的 Pattern 的一个变体。


主要区别在于,在这种情况下, Builder 是immutable。这样做的好处是可以重复使用并且是线程安全的。

因此,您可以使用它来创建一个默认 Builder,然后在需要它的各个地方配置它并构建您的对象。




public class Car {

    public enum Color { white, red, green, blue, black };

    private final String brand;
    private final String name;
    private final Color color;
    private final int speed;

    private Car( CarBuilder builder ){
        this.brand = builder.brand;
        this.color = builder.color;
        this.speed = builder.speed;
        this.name = builder.name;

    public static CarBuilder with() {
        return DEFAULT;

    private static final CarBuilder DEFAULT = new CarBuilder(
            null, null, Color.white, 130

    public static class CarBuilder {

        final String brand;
        final String name;
        final Color color;
        final int speed;

        private CarBuilder( String brand, String name, Color color, int speed ) {
            this.brand = brand;
            this.name = name;
            this.color = color;
            this.speed = speed;
        public CarBuilder brand( String newBrand ) {
            return new CarBuilder( newBrand, name, color, speed );
        public CarBuilder name( String newName ) {
            return new CarBuilder( brand, newName, color, speed );
        public CarBuilder color( Color newColor ) {
            return new CarBuilder( brand, name, newColor, speed );
        public CarBuilder speed( int newSpeed ) {
            return new CarBuilder( brand, name, color, newSpeed );
        public Car build() {
            return new Car( this );

    public static void main( String [] args ) {

        Car porsche = Car.with()
                .brand( "Porsche" )
                .name( "Carrera" )
                .color( Color.red )
                .speed( 270 )

        // -- or with one default builder

        CarBuilder ASSEMBLY_LINE = Car.with()
                .brand( "Jeep" )
                .name( "Cherokee" )
                .color( Color.green )
                .speed( 180 )

        for( ;; ) ASSEMBLY_LINE.build();

        // -- or with custom default builder:

        CarBuilder MERCEDES = Car.with()
                .brand( "Mercedes" )
                .color( Color.black )

        Car c230 = MERCEDES.name( "C230" ).speed( 180 ).build(),
            clk = MERCEDES.name( "CLK" ).speed( 240 ).build();

于 2015-09-16T18:33:23.610 回答

Java 中的任何解决方案都可能非常冗长,但值得一提的是,Google AutoValuesImmutables等工具将使用 JDK 编译时注释处理自动为您生成构建器类。

就我而言,我希望在 Java 枚举中使用命名参数,因此构建器模式不起作用,因为枚举实例不能被其他类实例化。我想出了一种类似于@deamon's answer的方法,但增加了参数排序的编译时检查(以更多代码为代价)


Person p = new Person( age(16), weight(100), heightInches(65) );


class Person {
  static class TypedContainer<T> {
    T val;
    TypedContainer(T val) { this.val = val; }
  static Age age(int age) { return new Age(age); }
  static class Age extends TypedContainer<Integer> {
    Age(Integer age) { super(age); }
  static Weight weight(int weight) { return new Weight(weight); }
  static class Weight extends TypedContainer<Integer> {
    Weight(Integer weight) { super(weight); }
  static Height heightInches(int height) { return new Height(height); }
  static class Height extends TypedContainer<Integer> {
    Height(Integer height) { super(height); }

  private final int age;
  private final int weight;
  private final int height;

  Person(Age age, Weight weight, Height height) {
    this.age = age.val;
    this.weight = weight.val;
    this.height = height.val;
  public int getAge() { return age; }
  public int getWeight() { return weight; }
  public int getHeight() { return height; }
于 2017-12-21T01:49:38.483 回答

karg 库支持的成语可能值得考虑:

class Example {

    private static final Keyword<String> GREETING = Keyword.newKeyword();
    private static final Keyword<String> NAME = Keyword.newKeyword();

    public void greet(KeywordArgument...argArray) {
        KeywordArguments args = KeywordArguments.of(argArray);
        String greeting = GREETING.from(args, "Hello");
        String name = NAME.from(args, "World");
        System.out.println(String.format("%s, %s!", greeting, name));

    public void sayHello() {

    public void sayGoodbye() {

    public void campItUp() {
于 2012-02-13T17:18:22.317 回答
package org.xxx.lang;

 * A hack to work around the fact that java does not support
 * named parameters in function calls.
 * Its easy to swap a few String parameters, for example.
 * Some IDEs are better than others than showing the parameter names.
 * This will enforce a compiler error on an inadvertent swap. 
 * @param <T>
public class Datum<T> {

    public final T v;
    public Datum(T v) {
        this.v = v;
    public T v() {
        return v;
    public T value() {
        return v;
    public String toString() {
        return v.toString();


class Catalog extends Datum<String> {
        public Catalog(String v) {

    class Schema extends Datum<String> {
        public Schema(String v) {
class Meta {
        public void getTables(String catalog, String schema, String tablePattern) {
            // pseudo DatabaseMetaData.getTables();
    class MetaChecked {
        public void getTables(Catalog catalog, Schema schema, String tablePattern) {
            // pseudo DatabaseMetaData.getTables();

    public void test() {
        Catalog c = new Catalog("test");
        String t = c.v;

    public void uncheckedExample() {
        new Meta().getTables("schema","catalog","%"); 
        new Meta().getTables("catalog","schema","%"); // ooops
    public void checkedExample() {
         // new MetaChecked().getTables(new Schema("schema"),new Catalog("catalog"),"%"); // won't compile
          new MetaChecked().getTables(new Catalog("catalog"), new Schema("schema"),"%"); 
于 2022-02-17T03:21:38.570 回答

现在我们都在使用 Java 17 ;-),使用记录是模仿这个习语的一种超级简单的方法:

public class OrderTemplate() {
    private int tradeSize, limitDistance, backoffDistance;

    public record TradeSize( int value ) {}
    public record LimitDistance( int value ) {}
    public record BackoffDistance( int value ) {}
    public OrderTemplate( TradeSize t, LimitDistance d, BackoffDistance b ) {
      this.tradeSize = t.value();
      this.limitDistance = d.value();
      this.backoffDistance = b.value();


var t = new OrderTemplate( new TradeSize(30), new LimitDistance(182), new BackoffDistance(85) );

我发现它非常容易阅读,并且我已经完全停止混淆所有 int 参数(“它是大小优先还是距离......”)。

于 2022-02-03T14:09:08.277 回答


public static class CarParameters {
    // to make it shorter getters and props are omitted
    public ModelParameter setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;
        return new ModelParameter();
    public class ModelParameter {
        public PriceParameter setModel(String model) {
            CarParameters.this.model = model;
            return new PriceParameter();
    public class PriceParameter {
        public YearParameter setPrice(double price) {
            CarParameters.this.price = price;
            return new YearParameter();
    public class YearParameter {
        public ColorParameter setYear(int year) {
            CarParameters.this.year = year;
            return new ColorParameter();
    public class ColorParameter {
        public CarParameters setColor(Color color) {
            CarParameters.this.color = color;
            return new CarParameters();


factory.create(new CarParameters()


于 2021-08-30T18:35:48.380 回答

@irreputable 想出了一个不错的解决方案。但是 - 它可能会使您的 Class 实例处于无效状态,因为不会发生验证和一致性检查。因此,我更喜欢将它与 Builder 解决方案结合起来,避免创建额外的子类,尽管它仍然是 builder 类的子类。此外,由于额外的构建器类使其更加冗长,我添加了一个使用 lambda 的方法。为了完整性,我添加了一些其他构建器方法。


public class Foo {
  static public class Builder {
    public int size;
    public Color color;
    public String name;
    public Builder() { size = 0; color = Color.RED; name = null; }
    private Builder self() { return this; }

    public Builder size(int size) {this.size = size; return self();}
    public Builder color(Color color) {this.color = color; return self();}
    public Builder name(String name) {this.name = name; return self();}

    public Foo build() {return new Foo(this);}

  private final int size;
  private final Color color;
  private final String name;

  public Foo(Builder b) {
    this.size = b.size;
    this.color = b.color;
    this.name = b.name;

  public Foo(java.util.function.Consumer<Builder> bc) {
    Builder b = new Builder();
    this.size = b.size;
    this.color = b.color;
    this.name = b.name;

  static public Builder with() {
    return new Builder();

  public int getSize() { return this.size; }
  public Color getColor() { return this.color; }  
  public String getName() { return this.name; }  



Foo m1 = new Foo(
  new Foo.Builder ()

Foo m2 = new Foo.Builder()

Foo m3 = Foo.with()

Foo m4 = new Foo(
  new Foo.Builder() {{
    size = 1;
    color = BLUE;
    name = "Fred";

Foo m5 = new Foo(
    b.size = 1;
    b.color = BLUE;
    b.name = "Fred";

它看起来在某种程度上完全是从@LaurenceGonsalves 已经发布的内容中抄袭,但您会看到所选约定的细微差别。

我想知道,如果 JLS 会实现命名参数,他们会怎么做?他们会通过提供简短的支持来扩展现有的习语之一吗?此外,Scala 是如何支持命名参数的?

嗯 - 足以研究,也许是一个新问题。

于 2018-03-19T02:24:41.920 回答