我正在用 Java 编写一个程序来根据公历接受和验证日期。我的公共布尔 setDate(String aDate) 函数输入不正确,假设将布尔 goodDate 变量更改为 false。假设该变量告诉 toString 函数在调用时输出“无效条目”,但它没有。我的 public boolean setDate(int d, int m, int y) 函数工作正常。我只将问题部分作为一段很长的代码包含在内。谢谢
public boolean setDate(int day, int month, int year){
// If 1 <= day <= 31, 1 <= month <= 12, and 0 <= year <= 9999 & the day match with the month
// then set object to this date and return true
// Otherwise,return false (and do nothing)
boolean correct = isTrueDate(day, month, year);
this.day = day;
this.month = month;
this.year = year;
return true;
goodDate = false;
return false;
//return false;
public boolean setDate(String aDate){
// If aDate is of the form "dd/mm/yyyy" or "d/mm/yyyy"
// Then set the object to this date and return true.
// Otherwise, return false (and do nothing)
Date d = new Date(aDate);
boolean correct = isTrueDate(d.day, d.month, d.year);
this.day = d.day;
this.month = d.month;
this.year = d.year;
return true;
goodDate = false;
return false;
public String toString(){
// outputs a String of the form "dd/mm/yyyy"
// where dd must be 2 digits (with leading zero if needed)
// mm must be 2 digits (with leading zero if needed)
// yyyy must be 4 digits (with leading zeros if needed)
String day1;
String month1;
String year1;
day1 = "0" + Integer.toString(this.day);
} else{
day1 = Integer.toString(this.day);
month1 = "0" + Integer.toString(this.month);
} else{
month1 = Integer.toString(this.month);
year1 = "00" + Integer.toString(this.year);
} else{
year1 = Integer.toString(this.year);
return day1 +"/" +month1 +"/" + year1;
goodDate = true;
return "Invalid Entry";