-- hidden: nothing you can do with "Parse a" values -- though
-- you can name their type
module Foo (Parse) where
newtype Parse a = Parse { superSecret :: a }
-- not hidden: outsiders can observe that a "Parse a" contains
-- exactly an "a", so they can do anything with a "Parse a" that
-- they can do with an "a"
module Foo (Parse(..)) where
newtype Parse a = Parse { superSecret :: a }
另一个更微妙,是 RWH 可能试图强调的一个,那就是type
vs. newtype
-- hidden, as before
module Foo (Parse) where
newtype Parse a = Parse { superSecret :: a }
-- not hidden: it is readily observable that "Parse a" is identical
-- to "a", and moreover it can't be fixed because there's nothing
-- to hide
module Foo (Parse) where
type Parse a = a