所以我的目标是制作一个脚本,该脚本将在我的桌面上的“1NF1N1T3 Backups”中创建一个显示当前日期的文件夹,然后将我桌面上的文件夹“1NF1N1T3 Server”复制到文件夹“1NF1N1T3 Backups”中。目前它复制了“1NF1N1T3 Server”文件夹并创建了日期文件夹。我希望“1NF1N1T3 Server”位于过时的文件夹中,但我不知道下一步该做什么。请帮助并感谢那些提供帮助的人!

    tell application "Finder"
        set p to (path to desktop as text) & "1NF1N1T3 Backups"
        set d to date string of (current date)
        make new folder at p with properties {name:d}
        duplicate POSIX file "/Users/Jeremy/Desktop/1NF1N1T3 Server" to p
    end tell

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set p to (path to desktop as text) & "1NF1N1T3 Backups"
set d to date string of (current date)

tell application "Finder"
    set newFolder to make new folder at p with properties {name:d}
    duplicate (POSIX file "/Users/Jeremy/Desktop/1NF1N1T3 Server" as text) to newFolder
end tell
于 2013-11-09T03:35:22.127 回答