
好的,我有这个 MySQL 数据库表单,并且正在尝试向它添加验证。经过2天的战斗,我想我会得到一些建议。希望从下拉列表中选择的项目和名字、电话、电子邮件都是必需的。然后我想在放入数据库之前验证Firstname,Lastname,Phone(不必是任何特殊格式),Email 和Comments 中的数据都是可接受的格式。这是我到目前为止所拥有的:

 if(! get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
$Id = addslashes ($_POST['Id']);
$List = addslashes ($_POST['List']);
$Firstname = addslashes ($_POST['Firstname']);
$Lastname = addslashes ($_POST['Lastname']);
$Phone = addslashes ($_POST['Phone']);
$Email= addslashes ($_POST['Email']);
$Calltime = addslashes ($_POST['Calltime']);
$Comment = addslashes ($_POST['Comment']);

$Id = $_POST['Id'];
$Date = $_POST['Date'];
$List = $_POST['List'];
$Firstname = $_POST['Firstname'];
$Lastname = $_POST['Lastname'];
$Phone = $_POST['Phone'];
$Email = $_POST['Email'];
$Calltime = $_POST['Calltime'];
$Comment = $_POST['Comment'];

 $error = '';

 //put chosen function here
  function validate_Firstname($input, $pattern = "/([A-Za-z0-9])")
    return !preg_match($pattern, $input);

  function validate_Phone($input, $pattern = "/([A-Za-z0-9])")
    return !preg_match($pattern, $input);
 function isValidEmail( $Email ){
    return filter_var( $Email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL );

  //get values and validate each one as required
  $List = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['List']);
     if(!$List){ $error .= "Please choose one<br />"; }

  $Firstname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Firstname']);
    if(!$Firstname){ $error .= "First name is required<br />"; }

//get values and validate each one as required
  $Lastname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Lastname']);
    if(!$Lastname){ $error .= "Last name is required<br />"; }

  //repeat for each field
  $Email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Email']);
    if(!isValidEmail($Email)){ $error .= "The email entered is invalid<br />"; }

  //and so on...

     //add insert into database code here

 $sql = "INSERT INTO contacts ".
 "VALUES'$Id,','$Date','$List','$Firstname','$Lastname','$Phone','$Email','$Calltime','$Comment')     ";
 $retval = mysql_query( $sql, $conn );
 if(! $retval )
  die('Could not enter data: ' . mysql_error());
 echo "Entered data successfully<br /><br /><a href=contactsadd.php><font       color=#000000>Back</font></a>\n";


 <form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>" name="ContactForm">
 <table bgcolor="#000000" width="500" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" border="0">
 <input type="hidden" name="Id" id="Id">
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Requested Info</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><select name="List">
 <option value="0" > Please Choose One </option>
 <option value="Market Analysis" > Market Analysis </option>
 <option value="Consultation" > Consultation </option></select></td></tr>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Date</td>
 <input name="Date" type="hidden" id="Date" value="<? print(Date("l F d, Y")); ?>" />
<td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><? print(Date("l F d, Y")); ?></td>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Firstname</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><input name="Firstname" type="text" size="20" id="Firstname"></td></tr>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Lastname</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><input type="text" name="Lastname"  size="20" id="Lastname"></td>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Phone</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><input type="text" name="Phone" size="20" id="Phone"></td></tr>
<td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Email</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><input type="text" name="Email"  size="20" id="Email"></td></tr>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Preferred Calltime</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><input type="text" name="Calltime"  size="20" id="Calltime">  &nbsp;&nbsp; If none put N/A</td></tr>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Comment</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><textarea name="Comment" cols="40" rows="8" id="Comment"></textarea></td></tr>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">&nbsp;</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="center"><br>
 <input name="add" type="submit" id="add" value="Add Contact"><input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Clear Form"><input type=button value="Cancel" onClick="history.go(-1)"><br>&nbsp;



2 回答 2


您的查询参数是向后的,您应该使用 mysqli_。这是正确的顺序。

$retval = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

mysqli_query 文档

于 2013-11-09T01:52:39.400 回答

此语句需要一个结束括号: ( if(!$error){)


     //and so on...

      //add insert into database code here

       // this probably won't run right... 
       // you're missing a ( after the word values...
       // insert into tablename (id, name, stuff) values (1,'gloomy','stuff); 

       // this part of your statement is not correct:  "VALUES'$Id,','$Date',
       // and the commas are off, too.

       $sql = "INSERT INTO contacts ".
               "VALUES'$Id,','$Date','$List','$Firstname','$Lastname','$Phone','$Email','$Calltime','$Comment')     ";

       // print your SQL here to make sure it is correct.  
       // copy and paste it to run it directly in the DB. if it won't run there
       // it won't run here
       print $sql."<br/>"; 

       $retval = mysql_query( $sql, $conn );

       if(! $retval )  {
          die('Could not enter data: ' . mysql_error());

       echo "Entered data successfully<br /><br /><a href=contactsadd.php><font       color=#000000>Back</font></a>\n";

    } // <-------- you're missing this closing bracket

} // this ends the statement for  if(isset($_POST['add']))  { .... 
    // REMOVE this... or else it will print the world else somewhere
    // i put this here to debug...
    print "else<br/>";




这对我有用。它使用 pdo。 哦,现在您不必担心sql注入了。这几乎完全照顾它。就像所有事情一样,总有办法绕过事情,但你不需要检查魔术引号,你不需要逃避任何事情。进行参数化会为您处理所有这些。

编辑:所以......当你编写代码时......不要写一大堆东西然后看看它是否有效。写几行。测试。再写一些。测试。确保新东西有效。确保旧的东西仍然有效。多写一点。我完全不知道你是怎么做到这么多小问题的。我不想刻薄。不过,以 lil 块的形式编写代码。甚至逻辑。总是再次测试一切,然后继续。


我知道还有更多关于mysql_函数的教程,但它们很旧而且根本不安全。如果你在使用 PDO 时遇到问题,只需带着你的错误、问题和代码回到 StackOverflow,然后写一个免责声明“你知道 mysql_ 函数不好,但 pdo 更难学习”,人们会很乐意提供帮助,因为它是好多了。

这些是重要的 PDO 页面:




// include('inc_header.php');

function validate_Firstname($input, $pattern = "/([A-Za-z0-9])") {
   return !preg_match($pattern, $input);

function validate_Phone($input, $pattern = "/([A-Za-z0-9])") {
   return !preg_match($pattern, $input);

function isValidEmail($Email) {
   return filter_var($Email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);

// ====================================================================================
// ====================================================================================

if (!empty($_POST)) {
   print "<pre>This is your \$_POST array \n\n".print_r($_POST,true)."</pre>"; 

$error = '';

if (isset($_POST['add'])) 
   // require('dbcon.php');
   $conn = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'root', '');

   // what if the array index ['whatever'] doesn't exist?  errors.  
   // so we need to check and make sure it is set... then assign.  
   // this also gives us a blank default value, which is nice.... 
   $id        = isset($_POST['Id'])        ? $_POST['Id']        : 'NULL'; 
   $date      = isset($_POST['Date'])      ? $_POST['Date']      : '';  
   $list      = isset($_POST['List'])      ? $_POST['List']      : '';  
   $firstname = isset($_POST['Firstname']) ? $_POST['Firstname'] : ''; 
   $lastname  = isset($_POST['Lastname'])  ? $_POST['Lastname']  : ''; 
   $phone     = isset($_POST['Phone'])     ? $_POST['Phone']     : ''; 
   $email     = isset($_POST['Email'])     ? $_POST['Email']     : '';  
   $calltime  = isset($_POST['Calltime'])  ? $_POST['Calltime']  : '';  
   $comment   = isset($_POST['Comment'])   ? $_POST['Comment']   : '';   

   if (!$list) {
      $error .= "Please choose one<br />";
   if (!$firstname) {
      $error .= "First name is required<br />";
   if (!$lastname) {
      $error .= "Last name is required<br />";
   if (!isValidEmail($email)) {
      $error .= "The email entered is invalid<br />";


   if (!$error) 
      $stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO contacts (id, date, list, firstname, lastname, phone, email, calltime, comment) \n". 
                              " VALUES (:id, :date, :list, :firstname, :lastname, :phone, :email, :calltime, :comment) "); 

      $success = $stmt->execute(array(':id'=>$id, ':date'=>$date, ':list'=>$list, ':firstname'=>$firstname, 'lastname'=>$lastname,  
                                      ':phone'=>$phone, ':email'=>$email, ':calltime'=>$calltime, ':comment'=>$comment)); 

      if (!$success) 
          echo "\nPDO::errorInfo():\n"; 
          print "<pre>".print_r($dbh->errorInfo(),true)."/<pre>"; 
         print "it worked!  the new row's ID is ".$conn->lastInsertId()."...!!!<br/>";

      echo "Entered data successfully<br/><br/>";

   } // end of  if (!$error) { ... }  
      print "$error<br/>";

   echo "<a href='contactsadd.php' style='font-color=#000000'>Back</a>\n";

} // end of if(isset($_POST['add']))  { ... }

// ====================================================================================
// ====================================================================================
 <form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>" name="ContactForm">
 <table bgcolor="#000000" width="500" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" border="0">
 <input type="hidden" name="Id" id="Id">
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Requested Info</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><select name="List">
 <option value="0" > Please Choose One </option>
 <option value="Market Analysis" > Market Analysis </option>
 <option value="Consultation" > Consultation </option></select></td></tr>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Date</td>
 <input name="Date" type="hidden" id="Date" value="<?php print(Date("l F d, Y")); ?>" />
<td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><?phpprint(Date("l F d, Y")); ?></td>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Firstname</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><input name="Firstname" type="text" size="20" id="Firstname"></td></tr>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Lastname</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><input type="text" name="Lastname"  size="20" id="Lastname"></td>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Phone</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><input type="text" name="Phone" size="20" id="Phone"></td></tr>
<td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Email</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><input type="text" name="Email"  size="20" id="Email"></td></tr>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Preferred Calltime</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><input type="text" name="Calltime"  size="20" id="Calltime">  &nbsp;&nbsp; If none put N/A</td></tr>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">Comment</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"><textarea name="Comment" cols="40" rows="8" id="Comment"></textarea></td></tr>
 <td bgcolor="#e9e9e9" align="right">&nbsp;</td>
 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="center"><br>
 <input name="add" type="submit" id="add" value="Add Contact"><input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Clear Form"><input type=button value="Cancel" onClick="history.go(-1)"><br>&nbsp;
于 2013-11-09T01:48:22.530 回答