我在 Godaddy 共享主机(“豪华”帐户)上运行带有 IIS 7.0 的 asp.net 3.5。
通常,如果我设置 Response.StatusCode = 412 服务器输出:
Server Error
412 - Precondition set by the client failed when evaluated on the Web server.
The request was not completed due to preconditions that are set in the request header.
Preconditions prevent the requested method from being applied to a resource other than the one intended. An example of a precondition is testing for expired content in the page cache of the client.
Response.StatusDescription 是“前提条件失败” - 这是预期的......但并不是我真正想要的。
*请注意,为了防止默认错误消息,我必须Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true
在将 Response.StatusCode 设置为 412 后立即设置。