I have two forms that I am using. One for sign_up, using devise for authentication, and the second is for adding user comments. I was noticing that when I went through the signup process, the fields I added for first name and last name were ending up nil in the db. I found a solution where this cleared up the problem:
before_filter :configure_devise_params, if: :devise_controller?
def configure_devise_params
devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) do |u|
u.permit(:first_name, :last_name, :profile_name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation)
But in my second form, I added a user_id column to the table and put it in attr_accessible. It, however, is showing up as nil. I'm very new to rails and I'm not sure if this is a problem similar to the first form or if it something completely different.
All the other solutions I've found online seem to point to attr_accessible, but I think I'm good there. So it must be something else. Where else should I look to troubleshoot this? Has anybody else experienced this?
The second form is for user comments. It looks like this:
<%= simple_form_for(@status, html: {class:"form-horizontal"}) do |f| %>
<%= f.input :user_id %>
<%= f.input :content %>
<div class="form-actions">
<%= f.button :submit %>
<% end %>
The content is being saved, but the user_id is nil. I didn't originally have the user_id in the table- I added that later in a migration:
class AddUserIdToStatuses < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :statuses, :user_id, :integer
add_index :statuses, :user_id
remove_column :statuses, :name
Also, I know that attr_accessible is a Rails 3 feature and has been done away with in Rails 4. I added gem 'protected_attributes' to my Gemfile so that I could use this, since I didn't know what the convention was for Rails 4. Would I be better off getting rid of this? If so, is there something I should be doing instead of this to protect certain inputs?