我已经运行了一个脚本,它重命名了很多文件夹,我想 git 知道它们被重命名而不是被删除。该脚本是一个 CakePHP 升级脚本。(./Console/cake 全部升级)。

git status 显示它们已被删除和添加,这意味着我丢失了所有 git 历史记录。为了解决这个问题,我删除了旧文件夹并添加了新文件夹,但是仍然有一些文件没有被拾取。


test becomes Test
config becomes Config
models becomes Model
libs becomes Lib
vendors becomes Vendor
controllers becomes Controller
plugins becomes Plugin
views becomes View


git rm -r --cached tests && git add -A Test 
git rm -r --cached config && git add -A Config 
git rm -r --cached models && git add -A Model
git rm -r --cached libs && git add -A Lib

#Views doesn't work too well
git rm -r --cached views
git add -A View

rm -r --cache controllers
git add -A Controller/

有什么办法可以让 git 正确拾取它吗?

#   new file:   app/View/Clients/edit.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Clients/index.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Clients/show_spreadsheet.ctp
#   renamed:    app/views/clients/spreadsheet_url.ctp -> app/View/Clients/spreadsheet_url.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Clients/view.ctp
#   renamed:    app/views/clients/view_spreadsheet_queue.ctp -> app/View/Clients/view_spreadsheet_queue.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Contacts/add.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Contacts/edit.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Contacts/index.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Contacts/view.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Dashboard/index.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Dashboard/phone_lookup.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Dockets/index.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Dockets/select_for_invoicing.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Dockets/select_for_payment.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Dockets/show_processed.ctp
#   renamed:    app/views/dockets/view_job_for_date.ctp -> app/View/Dockets/view_job_for_date.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Elements/admin_crumb.ctp
#   renamed:    app/views/elements/buttons.ctp -> app/View/Elements/buttons.ctp
#   renamed:    app/views/elements/client_autocomplete.ctp -> app/View/Elements/client_autocomplete.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Elements/clients/incompatibility.ctp
#   renamed:    app/views/elements/communication_log.ctp -> app/View/Elements/communication_log.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Elements/count_header.ctp
#   renamed:    app/views/elements/csv.ctp -> app/View/Elements/csv.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Elements/dashboard/equipment_list.ctp
#   new file:   app/View/Elements/dashboard/phone_lookup.ctp



2 回答 2


git status 显示它们已被删除和添加,这意味着我丢失了所有 git 历史记录。


于 2013-11-08T22:53:48.870 回答

我在评论中提到的额外努力可能不值得,但是,您可以将其拆分为两个提交。首先,保存这些东西,git stash或者您稍后将替换的常规提交。然后,弄清楚应该发生什么重命名,然后自己做。这是一个例子......

$ mkdir /tmp/temp
$ cd /tmp/temp
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/temp/.git/
$ cat > .gitignore
$ git add .gitignore
$ git commit -m initial
[master (root-commit) da5da28] initial
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore
$ mkdir oldname
$ echo some contents > oldname/file; echo more contents >> oldname/file
$ echo "this file won't match" > oldname/trick
$ git add oldname; git commit -m pre-rename
[master 6be4d34] pre-rename
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 oldname/file
 create mode 100644 oldname/trick


$ mv oldname newname
$ echo "completely replace contents too" > newname/trick
$ git rm -r --cached oldname
rm 'oldname/file'
rm 'oldname/trick'
$ git add newname
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#   renamed:    oldname/file -> newname/file
#   new file:   newname/trick
#   deleted:    oldname/trick

现在我们有一个类似(但非常简化)的情况。Git 无法判断该目录是否被简单地重命名,因为该文件trick的内容也被大量替换。

因此,让我们通过两次提交而不是一次提交来保存它并使 git 更容易!

$ git checkout -b save && git commit -m 'save before splitting'
A   newname/file
A   newname/trick
D   oldname/file
D   oldname/trick
Switched to a new branch 'save'
[save 6935f96] save before splitting
 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
 rename {oldname => newname}/file (100%)
 create mode 100644 newname/trick
 delete mode 100644 oldname/trick


$ git checkout master
$ git mv oldname newname
$ git commit -m 'intermediate: rename files w/o modifications'
[master 7770d56] intermediate: rename files w/o modifications
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename {oldname => newname}/file (100%)
 rename {oldname => newname}/trick (100%)
$ git rm -r --cached .
rm '.gitignore'
rm 'newname/file'
rm 'newname/trick'
$ git checkout save -- .
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#   modified:   newname/trick
$ git commit -m 'final: pick up scripted changes'
[master 8b28a2f] final: pick up scripted changes
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
$ git branch -D save
Deleted branch save (was 6935f96).

瞧,我们已经完成了所有工作,但是还有一个额外的中间提交,这使得重命名变得显而易见。当然,中间提交可能不正确、可测试,无论如何(可能其中的某些文件依赖于旧名称并且需要更改以匹配新名称)。所以这种方法有利有弊。(例如,您可以做更多的工作,甚至可以在进行中间提交之前进行测试,并进行 git 可以识别为重命名和修改操作的微小更改。)

于 2013-11-09T01:58:02.517 回答