
Andre Fecteau
October 29, 2013
This program prints a bank's service fees per month depending on account type

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Basic Function for Copy Paste
<function type> <function name> (){

// Declarations
// Initalizations
// Input
// Process
// Output
// Prolouge

void displayInstructions (){
// Declarations
// Initalizations
// Input
// Process
// Output
cout <<"| -------------------------------------------------------------- |" << endl;
cout <<"| ---------- Welcome to the bank fee calculator ---------------- |" << endl;
cout <<"| -------------------------------------------------------------- |" << endl;
cout <<"| This Program wil ask you to eneter your account number.        |" << endl;
cout <<"| Then it will ask for your account type Personal or Commercial. |" << endl;
cout <<"| Then ask for the amount of checks you have written.            |" << endl;
cout <<"| Lastly it will output how much your fees are for this month.   |" << endl;
cout <<"| -------------------------------------------------------------- |" << endl;
cout << endl;
// Prolouge

int readAccNumb(){
  // delarations
  int accNumber;
  // intitalizations
  accNumber = 0.0;
  // input
  cout << "Please Enter Account Number:";
  cin >> accNumber;
  // Procesas
  // output
  // prolouge
  return accNumber;

int checksWritten (){
// Declarations
int written;
// Initalizations
written = 0.0;
// Input
cout <<"Please input the amount of checks you have written this month:";
cin >> written;
// Output
// Prolouge
return written;

char accType (){
// Declarations
char answer;
int numberBySwitch;
// Initalizations
numberBySwitch = 1;
// Input
while (numberBySwitch == 1){
    cout << "Please Enter the acount type (C for Comerical and P for Personal):";
    cin >> answer;
// Process
switch (answer){
    case 'p':
        answer = 'P';
        numberBySwitch += 2;break;
    case 'P':
        numberBySwitch += 2;break;
    case 'c':
        answer = 'C';
        numberBySwitch += 3;break;
    case 'C':
        numberBySwitch += 3;break;
        if(numberBySwitch == 1) {
        cout << "Error! Please enter a correct type!" <<endl;
// Output
// Prolouge
return answer;

int commericalCalc(int checksWritten){
// Declarations
int written;
int checkPrice;
// Initalizations
checkPrice = 0.0;
// Input
// Process
if(written < 20){
    checkPrice = 0.10;
// Output
// Prolouge
return checkPrice;

int personalCalc(int checksWritten){


double pricePerCheck(char accType, int checksWritten){
// Declarations
double price;
char answer;
// Initalizations
price = 0.0;
// Input
// Process
if(accType == 'P'){
if(accType == 'C'){
    if(checksWritten < 20){
        price = 0.10;
// Output
// Prolouge
return price;

int main(){
  // Declarations
  int accountNumb;
  char theirAccType;
  int writtenChecks;
  double split;
  // Initalizations
  accountNumb = 0.0;
  writtenChecks = 0.0;
  split = 0.0;
  theirAccType = ' ';
  // Input
  theirAccType = accType();
  accountNumb = readAccNumb();
  split = pricePerCheck(accType(), checksWritten());
  // Output
cout << endl;
cout << "Account Type: " << theirAccType << endl;
cout << "Check Price: " << split << endl;
  // Prolouge
 return 0;

3 回答 3

theirAccType = accType();
split = pricePerCheck(accType(), checksWritten());
//                    ^^^^^^^^^


split = pricePerCheck(theirAccType, checksWritten());
//                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^
于 2013-11-08T21:50:15.243 回答

当您调用时,pricePerCheck()您传递调用的结果accType()而不是theirAccType: 您存储了第一次调用的结果,但您正在进行第二次调用。C++ 不会记住函数调用的结果。


  1. personalCalc()被声明为返回int但不返回任何东西(该函数没有被调用,即你的问题,显然不是SSCCE
  2. 该函数commericalCalc()使用未初始化变量 ( written) 的值。它似乎也不好命名。
于 2013-11-08T21:53:46.710 回答


  theirAccType = accType();
  accountNumb = readAccNumb();
  split = pricePerCheck(accType(), checksWritten());

accType()被调用以将值分配给theirAccType,并再次作为 的参数pricePerCheck()


  split = pricePerCheck(theirAccType, checksWritten());
于 2013-11-08T21:51:31.773 回答