My application Connecting to QuickBooks 2013 with QBFC 12. QuickBooks is running on a Server Multiple users login to the same server and run QuickBooks from the server at the same time. Application is also running on the Server.

Application connects to QuickBooks if only ONE user is logged in to the Server and has QB running.

If any other user logs in to the server and opens QuickBooks then the application does not connect.

Message Type: ERROR
Message: The application trying to connect to QuickBooks is not supported while multiple instances of QuickBooks are running.
   at Interop.QBFC11.QBSessionManagerClass.BeginSession(String qbFile, ENOpenMode openMode)
   at QBFSSyncManager.OpenQBSession()
Message: The application trying to connect to QuickBooks is not supported while multiple instances of QuickBooks are running.
   at Interop.QBFC11.QBSessionManagerClass.BeginSession(String qbFile, ENOpenMode openMode)
   at Turbo.THUB.QBProcess.QBFSSyncManager.OpenQBSession()

3 回答 3


我找到的解决方案(如果它适用于您的问题):如果您在 Visual Studio(任何版本)中运行应用程序,请确保 VS 未以管理员身份运行。

于 2016-07-30T18:16:39.617 回答

我的应用程序与多个用户一起工作,每个用户都有单独的计算机和单独的 QB 实例,所有用户都通过网络文件共享在同一个 QB 文件中工作。

我建议将您的应用程序移动到具有自己的 QB 实例的单独计算机上并远程打开 QB 文件(而不是通过远程桌面)。

于 2013-11-22T19:49:31.780 回答

一种常见的方法是将 Quickbooks 移动到它自己的机器上,然后编写您的应用程序,以便它接收来自其他机器的请求。可以处理请求并返回某种消息。消息可以是结果集,也可以是让调用者知道它是否有效或是否存在问题的消息。


于 2016-07-26T13:56:04.950 回答