I am using a Zurb Ink template to send an email. When I view the email in mailcatcher (from the development server) everything looks fine, but when I receive an email from the production server (to my gmail account), all of the CSS styling is gone.

The CSS is all inline, and I am using the basic template from Zurb.


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我在 Zurb 的网站上错过了一步。

编辑完您的模板后,您需要通过CSS 内联运行代码,然后才能发送电子邮件 HTML。

注意:您需要在通过内联程序运行电子邮件后将任何 ruby​​ 代码(等)添加到电子邮件,因为它将被内联程序剥离。

于 2013-11-10T00:00:38.917 回答