我正在尝试将一些幽灵博客文章整合到 mailchimp nesletter 中,但还没有解决。

有没有人尝试将幽灵博客内容与通过 mailchimp 发送的时事通讯整合在一起?



3 回答 3


Yes, it is actually pretty easy once you figure out the white-space & indentation issues that Michael lists above. For myself, the following steps works:

  • Copy the embed form code from MailChimp
  • Paste the code wherever you would like in the article (i put mine at the very bottom of the article)
  • Indent (use TAB key once) the entire block of code code contained in the <div id="mc_embed_signup"> section. From <div id="mc_embed_signup"> to the closing </div> just above <script type='text/javascript' src='//......>

When you're done you should see the preview pane look like this: (Note: forced to delete picture because I don't have enough points yet...). But look at this link: Imgur link of valid Mailchimp Form

Note that there may actually be two or more blocks labeled "Embedded Javascript". That is fine. They won't show up when viewing the post. You just have to make sure that no normal code blocks are showing in the preview pane. Code blocks are a sign that you may have missed some code that needs to be indented. The properly indented code will trigger markdown properly and prevent it from being show as plain text (visible text) in the post.

于 2015-02-17T06:06:56.587 回答

您也可以尝试改用 mailchimp RSS 活动。

于 2015-01-05T00:15:03.650 回答

您可以在 Ghost Markdown 帖子编辑器中插入 Mailchimp 嵌入式表单代码,它应该可以正常显示。Markdow 在解释什么是 html 代码和什么是正常的 MD 时,有时可能对空格很敏感,所以请注意并保持代码缩进......

于 2013-12-03T07:37:51.860 回答