我正在使用以下代码将 html 文件上传到我的网站,但是在上传时似乎缺少一些数据...

我的内容是 1930 行,“长度”为 298872(我猜这是多少个字符)

## Login using the ftplib library and set the session as the variable ftp_session
ftp_session = ftplib.FTP('ftp.website.com','admin@website.com','password')

## Open a file to upload
html_ftp_file = open('OUTPUT/output.html','rb')
## Open a folder under in the ftp server
## Send/upload the the binary code of said file to the ftp server
ftp_session.storbinary('STOR output.html', html_ftp_file )
## Close the ftp_file

## Quit out of the FTP session

为什么这不是上传 100% 的文件?它正在上传98%的内容......



*cmd* 'CWD /folder'
*resp* '250 OK. Current directory is /folder'
*cmd* 'TYPE A'
*resp* '200 TYPE is now ASCII'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,73,19)'
*cmd* 'STOR output.html'
*resp* '150 Accepted data connection'
*resp* '226-File successfully transferred'
*resp* '226 3.235 seconds (measured here), 48.23 Kbytes per second'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*resp* '221-Goodbye. You uploaded 157 and downloaded 0 kbytes.'
*resp* '221 Logout.'


*cmd* 'CWD /folder'
*resp* '250 OK. Current directory is /folder'
*cmd* 'TYPE A'
*resp* '200 TYPE is now ASCII'
*cmd* 'PORT xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,203,212'
*resp* '200 PORT command successful'
*cmd* 'STOR output.html'
*resp* '150 Connecting to port 52180'
*resp* '226-File successfully transferred'
*resp* '226 4.102 seconds (measured here), 38.03 Kbytes per second'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*resp* '221-Goodbye. You uploaded 157 and downloaded 0 kbytes.'
*resp* '221 Logout.'

2 回答 2


从您的代码看来,您的 FTP 模式是二进制的,但您正在上传一个 ASCII 文件 (html)。尝试将您的 FTP 模式更改为 ASCII 或先压缩您的文件(这将是一个二进制文件),发送它,然后在您的目的地解压缩。

这是来自http://effbot.org/librarybook/ftplib.htm的 eaxmple

import ftp
import os

def upload(ftp, file):
    ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
    if ext in (".txt", ".htm", ".html"):
        ftp.storlines("STOR " + file, open(file))
        ftp.storbinary("STOR " + file, open(file, "rb"), 1024)

ftp = ftplib.FTP("ftp.fbi.gov")
ftp.login("mulder", "trustno1")

upload(ftp, "trixie.zip")
upload(ftp, "file.txt")
upload(ftp, "sightings.jpg")
于 2013-11-08T22:12:50.823 回答

Try the following which will upload the file in binary mode. The trick is to set the type of file transfer to binary mode (TYPE I) before calling storbinary.

with open('OUTPUT/output.html','rb') as html_ftp_file:
    # ftp_session.set_pasv(1) # If you want to use passive mode for transfer.
    ftp_session.voidcmd('TYPE I')  # Set file transfer type to Image (binary)
    ftp_session.storbinary('STOR output.html', html_ftp_file)
于 2013-11-12T00:58:37.443 回答