我们有一个基于 Java EE 5 的 JSF 应用程序,它在 2 个 WebLogic 应用程序服务器上运行,它们共享一个 Oracle 数据库。

对于某些用例来说,只有一个节点在数据库中执行操作非常重要,这些操作通常是永久性的后台作业。因此,想法是,一个节点(“主”)在数据库中获得某种锁,而另一个节点(“从”)识别锁并且只要主可用,就不会为这些用例做任何事情. 只有当第一个节点变得不可用时,第二个节点才应该接管工作,从而从那里自己持有锁。

我现在的问题是,我们将如何实现这种行为(记住,JPA 1.0),如果一个节点出现故障,数据库中的锁会自动释放吗?还是应该以不同的方式更好地完成整个事情?


1 回答 1


这是一个简单的解决方案,类似于 ActiveMQ 所做的,只有一个主实例在做某事,而其他正在运行的实例正在等待成为主实例。

package com.despegar.bookedia.message.broker.lock;

import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException;
import org.springframework.data.jdbc.support.DatabaseType;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementSetter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor;
import org.springframework.jdbc.support.MetaDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.support.rowset.SqlRowSet;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Map;

 * Represents an exclusive lock on a database to avoid multiple brokers running
 * against the same logical database.
 * <p>
 * The Lease Database Locker lets the master broker acquire a lock that's valid for a fixed (usually short) duration after which it expires.
 * To retain the lock the master broker must periodically extend the lock's lease before it expires.
 * Simultaneously the slave broker also checks periodically to see if the lease has expired. If, for whatever reason, the master broker fails to update its
 * lease on the lock the slave will take ownership of the lock becoming the new master in the process. The leased lock can survive a DB replica failover.
 * </p>
 * Each broker in the master/slave pair must have a different leaseHolderId attribute, as it is this value that is used to reserve a lease.
 * <p>
 * In the simplest case, the clocks between master and slave must be in sync for this solution to work properly. If the clocks cannot be in sync, the
 * locker can use the system time from the database CURRENT TIME and adjust the timeouts in accordance with their local variance from the DB system time.
 * If maxAllowableDiffFromDBTime is greater than zero the local periods will be adjusted by any delta that exceeds maxAllowableDiffFromDBTime.
 * </p>
public class LeaseDatabaseLocker implements Locker, AutoCloseable {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LeaseDatabaseLocker.class);
    private static final int IM_THE_MASTER_RESULT = 1;

    private int maxAllowableDiffFromDBTime;
    private long diffFromCurrentTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    private String leaseHolderId;
    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
    private int queryTimeoutInSecs = -1;
    private long lockAcquireSleepInterval;
    private long lockHeldPeriod;

    public LeaseDatabaseLocker(String leaseHolderId, JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, int queryTimeout,
                               long lockAcquireSleepInterval, int maxAllowableDiffFromDBTime, long lockHeldPeriod) {
        this.maxAllowableDiffFromDBTime = maxAllowableDiffFromDBTime;
        this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
        this.queryTimeoutInSecs = queryTimeout;
        this.lockAcquireSleepInterval = lockAcquireSleepInterval;
        this.leaseHolderId = leaseHolderId;
        this.lockHeldPeriod = lockHeldPeriod;

    public void acquireLock() {

        LOG.debug("Attempting to acquire the exclusive lock to become the Master broker '{}'", leaseHolderId);

        String sql = Statements.LEASE_OBTAIN_STATEMENT;


        long now = System.currentTimeMillis() + diffFromCurrentTime;
        long nextLockCheck = now + lockHeldPeriod;

        PreparedStatementSetter preparedStatementSetter = statement -> {
            statement.setString(Statements.ACQUIRE_LOCK_BROKER_NAME_COL_POSITION, leaseHolderId);
            statement.setLong(Statements.ACQUIRE_LOCK_NEXT_CHECK_COL_POSITION, nextLockCheck);
            statement.setLong(Statements.ACQUIRE_LOCK_TIME_NOW_POSITION, now);

        LOG.trace("executing: '{}' to acquire lock with values {}, {}, {}", Statements.LEASE_OBTAIN_STATEMENT, leaseHolderId, nextLockCheck, now);
        int result = jdbcTemplate.update(sql, preparedStatementSetter);
        LOG.trace("Locking query result: updated rows count {}", result);

        if (result == IM_THE_MASTER_RESULT) {
            // we got the lease, verify we still have it
            LOG.debug("Lock acquired for '{}'", leaseHolderId);
            if (keepLockAlive()) {
                LOG.info("Becoming the master on dataSource: {}", jdbcTemplate.getDataSource());

        LOG.debug("{} failed to acquire lease.  Sleeping for {} milli(s) before trying again...", leaseHolderId, lockAcquireSleepInterval);
        throw new BrokerException.LockNotAcquiredException(leaseHolderId);

    private void reportLeaseOwnerShipAndDuration() {
        String sql = Statements.LEASE_OWNER_STATEMENT;

        SqlRowSet rowSet = jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(sql);
        while (rowSet.next()) {
            LOG.debug("{} -  Lease held by {} till {}", leaseHolderId, rowSet.getString(1),

    private void setQueryTimeoutInSecs(Statement statement) throws SQLException {
        if (queryTimeoutInSecs > 0) {

    private long initTimeDiff() {
        if (Long.MAX_VALUE == diffFromCurrentTime) {
            if (maxAllowableDiffFromDBTime > 0) {
                diffFromCurrentTime = determineTimeDifference();
            } else {
                diffFromCurrentTime = 0l;
        return diffFromCurrentTime;

    protected long determineTimeDifference() {

        ResultSetExtractor<Timestamp> timestampExtractor = rs -> {
            return rs.getTimestamp(1);
        Timestamp timestamp = jdbcTemplate.query(Statements.utcTimestamp(jdbcTemplate), timestampExtractor);

        long result = 0L;
        long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp.getTime();
        if (Math.abs(diff) > maxAllowableDiffFromDBTime) {
            // off by more than maxAllowableDiffFromDBTime so lets adjust
            result = -diff;
        LOG.info("{} diff adjust from db: {}, db time: {}", leaseHolderId, result, timestamp);
        return result;

    public boolean keepLockAlive() {
        boolean result;
        final String sql = Statements.LEASE_UPDATE_STATEMENT;


        final long now = System.currentTimeMillis() + diffFromCurrentTime;
        final long nextLockCheck = now + lockHeldPeriod;

        PreparedStatementSetter statementSetter = statement -> {
            statement.setString(Statements.KEEP_LOCK_NEW_BROKER_NAME_COL_POSITION, leaseHolderId);
            statement.setLong(Statements.KEEP_LOCK_NEXT_CHECK_COL_POSITION, nextLockCheck);
            statement.setString(Statements.KEEP_LOCK_BROKER_NAME_COL_POSITION, leaseHolderId);

        LOG.trace("executing: '{}' to keep lock alive with values {}, {}", Statements.LEASE_UPDATE_STATEMENT, leaseHolderId, nextLockCheck);
        result = jdbcTemplate.update(sql, statementSetter) == IM_THE_MASTER_RESULT;

        if (!result) {

        return result;

    private void releaseLease() {
        String sql = Statements.LEASE_UPDATE_STATEMENT;

        final int lockReleaseTime = 1;
        PreparedStatementSetter statementSetter = statement -> {
            statement.setString(Statements.RELEASE_LOCK_NEW_BROKER_NAME_COL_POSITION, leaseHolderId);
            statement.setLong(Statements.RELEASE_LOCK_NEXT_CHECK_COL_POSITION, lockReleaseTime);
            statement.setString(Statements.RELEASE_LOCK_BROKER_NAME_COL_POSITION, leaseHolderId);

        LOG.trace("executing: '{}' to release lock with values {}, {}, {}", sql, leaseHolderId, 1, leaseHolderId);
        if (jdbcTemplate.update(sql, statementSetter) == IM_THE_MASTER_RESULT) {
            LOG.info("{}, released lease", leaseHolderId);

    public void close() throws Exception {

    static class Statements {

        public static final String LOCK_TABLE_NAME = "MSG_BROKER_LOCK";

        public static final Map<DatabaseType, String> CURRENT_DATE_TIME_UTC = ImmutableMap.of(DatabaseType.MYSQL,   "SELECT UTC_TIMESTAMP",
                                                                                              DatabaseType.H2,      "SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");

        public static final String LEASE_UPDATE_STATEMENT =

        public static final String LEASE_OWNER_STATEMENT =
                String.format("SELECT BROKER_NAME, %s.TIME FROM %s WHERE ID = 1", LOCK_TABLE_NAME, LOCK_TABLE_NAME);

        public static final String LEASE_OBTAIN_STATEMENT =
                String.format("UPDATE %s SET BROKER_NAME=?, %s.TIME=? WHERE (%s.TIME IS NULL OR %s.TIME < ?) AND ID = 1",

        //Acquire constants
        public static final int ACQUIRE_LOCK_BROKER_NAME_COL_POSITION = 1;
        public static final int ACQUIRE_LOCK_NEXT_CHECK_COL_POSITION = 2;
        public static final int ACQUIRE_LOCK_TIME_NOW_POSITION = 3;

        //Keep lock alive constants
        public static final int KEEP_LOCK_NEW_BROKER_NAME_COL_POSITION = 1;
        public static final int KEEP_LOCK_NEXT_CHECK_COL_POSITION = 2;
        public static final int KEEP_LOCK_BROKER_NAME_COL_POSITION = 3;

        //Release lock constants
        public static final int RELEASE_LOCK_NEW_BROKER_NAME_COL_POSITION = 1;
        public static final int RELEASE_LOCK_NEXT_CHECK_COL_POSITION = 2;
        public static final int RELEASE_LOCK_BROKER_NAME_COL_POSITION = 3;

        private Statements() {}

        private static String utcTimestamp(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
            DatabaseType dbType;
            try {
                dbType = DatabaseType.fromMetaData(jdbcTemplate.getDataSource());
            } catch (MetaDataAccessException e) {
                throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Unable to determine database type: ", e);
            String query = CURRENT_DATE_TIME_UTC.get(dbType);
            if(query == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized DatabaseType: " + dbType);
            return query;
于 2018-02-08T11:55:08.947 回答