我在 Visual Basic .net 程序中有一个函数,它接受几个参数,并将它们附加在一起形成一个字符串。结果是返回给主程序的有效 SQL 命令。
Private Function StringBuilderCommand(Field, Table, CurrentCellValue, SearchParameter)
'Creates a suitable SQL string.
Dim MyStringBuilder As New StringBuilder("SELECT ")
MyStringBuilder.Append(Field) ' Append the parameter 'Field'.
MyStringBuilder.Append(" FROM ") ' Append the SQL command 'FROM'.
MyStringBuilder.Append(Table) ' Append the parameter 'Table'.
MyStringBuilder.Append(" WHERE ") ' Append the SQL command 'WHERE'.
MyStringBuilder.Append(SearchParameter) ' Append the parameter 'SearchParameter'.
MyStringBuilder.Append(CurrentCellValue) ' Append the parameter 'CurrentCellValue', representing the cell selected.
MyStringBuilder.Append("""") 'Append a quotation mark.
Return MyStringBuilder.ToString() ' Return it to the main program.