I am new in TFS, i have did GetLatestVersion but all newly added file in TFS was not getting in visual stdio but i can see those added file in TFS Server. Please suggest?
71 次
2 回答
Click on the Show All Files
in solution explorer to see the newly added file. It will be greyed out. Right click on the file and select Include
to get it added to your project or soltion.
Common problem is that file will be present in source control but not included into the solution.
于 2013-11-08T08:46:46.083 回答
- 文件 > 源代码管理 > 高级 > 从源代码管理打开
- 找到你的团队项目
- 打开其 .proj、.sln 文件,以适当的为准
- 如果它说您在本地有相同的文件,请选择“是”/“覆盖”
于 2013-11-08T09:00:52.993 回答