I have a large web application in ASP .NET (not that the technology matters here) that does not currently have a way to be locked down for maintenance without current users losing their work. Since I have not implemented something like this before, I would like to hear about some of the standard precautions and steps developers take for such an operation.

Here are some of the questions that I can think of:

  • Should each page redirect to a "Site down for maintenance" page or is there a more central way to prevent interaction?
  • How to centralize a scheduled maintenance such that user operations lock down before the site is locked down. Thus preventing loss of unsaved work.

The application is data-driven and implements transaction scopes at the business layer. It does not use load balancing or replication. I may be wrong, but it does not 'feel right' to have the BLL handle this. Any suggestions or links to articles would be appreciated.


2 回答 2



以 Netflix 为例:它是否有锁定的维护窗口?不是一般公众知道的。:-)

于 2013-11-10T11:21:30.300 回答

制作维护页面的一种方法是使用 IIS 的 app_offline.htm 功能。使用此功能,您将能够向所有用户显示相同的 html 页面,通知他们有关维护的信息。

StackOverflow 中有一篇关于它的好帖子。ASP.NET 2.0 - 如何使用 app_offline.htm



于 2013-11-10T11:32:41.133 回答