我不久前创建了这个脚本,现在我正试图让它再次工作。我正在使用 .cmd 文件来运行我制作的 python 脚本。
这是 .cmd 文件的内容:
@setlocal enableextensions & "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2012/bin/mayapy.exe" -x "%~f0" %* & goto :EOF
import sys
import time
sys.path.append(r"C:\Users\Court\Desktop\Extra Space\Q8\Intro to 3D Scripting")
import project_outline
project = raw_input
raw_input("Press enter to close this window.")
我将在稍后粘贴 python 脚本的内容。这样做的目的是创建一个独立的函数,将某些类型的文件组织到特定的文件夹中。我输入源文件的地址,然后它应该做它的事情。我似乎遇到的问题是 python 文件无法执行。
#bring in some important tools
import os
import sys
import re
import shutil
# function to set up everything needed to sort the files
def kickstart(project):
#variable that will be used to create file names
subGroup = ["mayaFiles", "maxFiles", "tgaImages", "jpgImages", "psdFiles", "udkFiles", "upkFiles"]
#variable that will be used to identify file type
fileExtension = [[".ma", ".mb"], [".max"], [".tga"], [".jpg"], [".psd"], [".udk"], [".upk"]]
#creates a variable that holds the destination path for when folders are created
path = "C:\Users\Court\Desktop\Extra Space\Q8\Intro to 3D Scripting\organizedFiles"
#iterate through each grouping, initiate subroutine to create fil folders and move files to the right folder
for sg in subGroup:
for extension in fileExtension[i]:
fileList = fileFinder(project, extension)
subfileFinder(path, project, sg, fileList)
#defines a routine that will step through a designated folder and find files of certain types
def fileFinder(project, fileExtension):
fileList = []
#for loop for stepping through a source folder
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(project):
#for loop for analyzing each file in the folder
for name in files:
#series of if statements that analyzes the file extension to see what kind of file it is and store it under the relevant variable
if os.path.splitext(name)[1] == fileExtension:
fileList.append(os.path.join(root, name))
return fileList
#defines a routine that further analyzes the name of each file
def subfileFinder(path, project, subGroup, fileList):
for name in fileList:
INeedToMove = True
for category in ["Char_", "Env_", "T_"]:
#will try to match the name of the file to a string of characters
#if the value of match is true
if re.search(category, name):
INeedToMove = False
#attempt to create a directory with specific name
print ("making directory for " + path + "/" + subGroup + "/" + category)
os.makedirs(path + "/" + subGroup + "/" + category)
#if the directory can't be made, move on
print ("Moving " + name + " to " + path + "/" + subGroup + "/" + category)
location = (project + "/" + name)
destination = (path + "/" + subGroup + "/" + category)
shutil.copy(location, destination)
print ("Failed to move")
if INeedToMove:
print ("Making directory for " + subGroup)
os.makedirs(path + "/" + subGroup)
#if the directory can't be made, move on
print ("Moving " + name + " to " + path + "/" + subGroup)
shutil.copy((project + "/" + name), (path + "/" + subGroup + "/" + name))
print ("Failed to move.")