我一直在使用 $_GET 数据跨页面发送数据,它一直运行良好。我在一页上看到的是新闻。每篇新闻文章都有自己的特定 ID(此页面运行良好)。我可以单击每个活动旁边的“添加我”按钮,将自己添加为志愿者,为该活动组织烧烤活动。但是现在我正在尝试单击一个添加按钮,该按钮可以将其他用户添加到烧烤中。
我检查了 $_GET 数据是否在页面加载时返回任何内容,并且确实如此,但是当我单击提交时这些值会丢失。因此,当我检查它是否在 isset($_POST['userselect']) 中返回任何内容时,这些值会丢失:
$rosterID = $_GET["rosterid"];
$eventID = $_GET["eventid"];
//if i check to see if they gets work here, they do.
if (hasRole2($connection, "Admin") || hasRole2($connection, "Moderator") || hasRole2($connection, "BBQ Moderator")){
$usernames[] = array();
if ($stmt = $connection->prepare("SELECT id, uid from people")){
$stmt->bind_result($id, $username);
$form = new jqmForm();
$sel = $form->add(new jqmSelect('userselect','userselect','<p align="center">Select User:</p>'), true);
while ($stmt->fetch()){
$usernames[] = array('uid' => $username, 'id' => $id);
$optName = $username;
$optValue = $id;
$sel->add(new jqmOption($optName, $optValue, false));
$sel->attribute('data-native-menu', 'false');
$form->add(new jqmInput('submit', 'submit', 'submit', 'submit', '', 'b', true));
if (isset($_POST["userselect"])){
//if i check to see if the gets work here, they don't.
$personID = $_POST["userselect"];
if (rostered($connection, $personID, $rosterID, $eventID)){
$personID = $_POST["userselect"];
$p->addContent("<p align=center><font color = red>You have already rostered for this event</font></p>");
$login = $p->addContent("<font color=brown size=4><a href = news.php rel=external> Go back </a></font>");
$login->attribute('align', 'center');
$search = "INSERT INTO RosterPeopleEvent (roster_id, person_id, news_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
if (!$roster = $connection->prepare($search)){
$p->addContent("Inserting into RosterPeopleEvent Prepare failed: (" . $connection->errno . ") " . $connection->error);
$roster->bind_param("iii", $_GET["rosterid"], $personID, $_GET["eventid"]);