
假设我有一个包含许多其他列表的列表 grid_list,我想通过 grid_list 搜索以找到其中一个,具体我该怎么做?这是我认为应该有效但无效的代码:

import sys #sys has been imported to take in user input
import random #random has been imported to generate random numbers to store the ants food in in the grid

#grid list is a generated list used to store grid values
grid_list = []
grid_size=0 #grid size is a variable that is assigned a value in function space and used in other functions, has default value of zero
ant_position="" #ants current position in grid used in more than one function
food_location="" #foods position in grid used in more than one function

#function for setting up a grid
def space():

print("please enter the size of the square grid you want")
#grid size is assigned by user input
global grid_size 
grid_size = int(sys.stdin.readline())
#embedded for loops to set up a list that stores grid points
for count in range(0,grid_size):
    x_number= count+1 #x number is the x number of the cell in the grid
    for count in range(0,grid_size):
        y_number= count+1 # y number is the y number of the cell in the grid
        grid_list.append([x_number,y_number,0,0,0]) #this stores a list within a list, so the first two values of the second list represent the co-ordinates of the cell the last three represent pheromone, food location, ant location (both food and ant location take value of one if either are in there)

def locations():

global food_location

food_location_x = (random.randint(1,grid_size)) #gives the x value of the cell the food is stored in
food_location_y = (random.randint(1,grid_size)) #gives the y value of the cell the food is stored in
food_location = [food_location_x,food_location_y,0,0,0] #gives the full location of the food and will use this to in other functions to reference the grid list
for count in range(0,4):
    grid_list[[grid_list.index([food_location])][count]] = [food_location_x,food_location_y,0,1,0]


然而,我得到一个值错误,而不是这个工作,说 [2,1,0,0,0] 不在列表中或代码给出的任何其他网格值(在这种情况下,2 和 1 可以用任何正整数替换)。有人可以向我解释一下如何更改它以便正确搜索吗?


3 回答 3





老实说,看起来您正在使用一种非常时髦的方法来获取grid_list. 您应该分别使用random.choicerandom.sample从您的集合中获取一个或多个随机元素。

于 2013-11-07T23:30:20.623 回答

这段代码有两个错误。roippi 之前提到的第一个是您food_location在搜索之前放入一个列表。第二个是你做了四次同样的事情。您正在搜索[x,y,0,0,0]、替换它,然后在[x,y,0,0,0]列表中搜索相同的内容。由于您刚刚替换了该元素,因此它不再存在并且您会看到您看到的错误。

正如 roippi 所指出的,获得 4 个替换位置的更好方法是使用

random.sample(grid_list, 4)

并修改返回的四个列表中的每一个,使第四个元素为 1。random.sample 将返回与 grid_list 中相同的列表,因此修改这些列表的元素也会在 grid_list 中修改它们。

于 2013-11-07T23:36:34.397 回答



def find_in_grid(grid, item_to_find):
    """search for a given item in a grid

    If found, the indexes (x, y) are returned. Otherwise, returns None.
    for row in range(len(grid)):
        for column in range(len(grid[row])):
            if grid[row][column] == item_to_find:
                return (row, column)
    return None # item not found in the grid


于 2013-11-07T23:41:56.780 回答