////////////////////////////////////////////// string line =“ user = abby&topic = 0&message = i+cose+coss等待+等待+雪。";
String[] parts = line.split("&"); //split&
String part1 = parts[0]; // user=Abby
String part2 = parts[1];// topic=0
String part3 = parts[2];// message=I+cannotwaitforthesnow
String[] user = part1.split("="); //Split USER=Abby
String user1 = user[0]; // user
String user2 = user[1]; // Abby
String[] topic = part2.split("="); //split topi=0
String topic1 = topic[0]; // Topic
String topic2 = topic[1]; // 0
String[] text = part3.split("="); //split message=iasd
String text1 = text[0]; // message
String text2 = text[1]; // I+cannot+wait+for+the+snow
String[] message = text2.split("+"); //split I+cannot+wait+for+the+snow.
String message1 = message[0];//I
String message2 = message[1];//cannot
String message3 = message[2];//wait
String message4 = message[3];//for
String message5 = message[4];//the
String message6 = message[5];//snow.
output.println("This is the input that the client sent: ");
System.out.println(topic1 + topic2);
System.out.println(message1 + message2 + message3 + message4 + message5 + message6);