我已经为生产者 - 消费者问题编写了代码。但我没有得到输出。没有编译错误,但我的程序中有警告。我很困惑。非常努力。但无法得到它。请告诉我什么我的程序有问题。什么是正确的程序。我很沮丧。请帮助大家。这是代码-
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include </usr/include/semaphore.h>
#define BUFF_SIZE 5 /* total number of slots */
#define NP 3 /* total number of producers */
#define NC 3 /* total number of consumers */
#define NITERS 4 /* number of items produced/consumed */
typedef struct {
int buf[BUFF_SIZE]; /* shared var */
int in; /* buf[in%BUFF_SIZE] is the first empty slot */
int out; /* buf[out%BUFF_SIZE] is the first full slot */
sem_t full; /* keep track of the number of full spots */
sem_t empty; /* keep track of the number of empty spots */
sem_t mutex; /* enforce mutual exclusion to shared data */
} sbuf_t;
sbuf_t shared;
void *Producer(void *arg) {
int i, item, index;
index = (int) arg;
for (i = 0; i < NITERS; i++) {
/* Produce item */
item = i;
/* Prepare to write item to buf */
/* If there are no empty slots, wait */
/* If another thread uses the buffer, wait */
shared.buf[shared.in] = item;
shared.in = (shared.in+1)%BUFF_SIZE;
printf("[P%d] Producing %d ...\n", index, item); fflush(stdout);
/* Release the buffer */
/* Increment the number of full slots */
/* Interleave producer and consumer execution */
if (i % 2 == 1) sleep(1);
return NULL;
void *Consumer(void *arg) {
int i, item, index;
index = (int) arg;
for (i = NITERS; i > 0; i--) {
item = i;
item = shared.buf[shared.out];
shared.out = (shared.out + 1) % BUFF_SIZE;
printf("[C%d] Consuming %d ...\n", index, item); fflush(stdout);
/* Release the buffer */
/* Increment the number of full slots */
/* Interleave producer and consumer execution */
if (i % 2 == 1) sleep(1);
return NULL;
int main() {
pthread_t idP, idC;
int index;
sem_init(&shared.full, 0, 0);
sem_init(&shared.empty, 0, BUFF_SIZE);
pthread_mutex_init(&shared.mutex, NULL);
for (index = 0; index < NP; index++) {
/* Create a new producer */
pthread_create(&idP, NULL, Producer, (void*)index);
/*create a new Consumer*/
for (index = 0;index < NC;index++) {
pthread_create(&idC, NULL, Consumer, (void*)index);