我正在学习 Python 课程。以下代码旨在计算字符串中的元音。我按照我认为应该的方式输入它并且没有工作。然后我从讲义中剪切 n 粘贴,它确实有效。
## count the number of vowels in string s
s = 'azcbobobegghakl'
vowelcount = 0
for char in s:
## if char == 'a' or char = 'e' or char == 'i' or char == 'o' \
## or char == 'u':
if char == 'a' or char == 'e' or char == 'i' \
or char == 'o' or char == 'u':
vowelcount += 1
print "Number of vowels: " + str(vowelcount)
%run "/var/folders/cs/31zvz_q925v_z3tmvj09dpyc0000gn/T/tmpCEB9ME.py"
File "/var/folders/cs/31zvz_q925v_z3tmvj09dpyc0000gn/T/tmpCEB9ME.py", line 4
if char == 'a' or char = 'e' or char == 'i' or char == 'o' \
SyntaxError: invalid syntax