I have a Linux PC (running Ubuntu) and a Windows 7 PC, and they are connected to the same network. I want to write a script in Python from the Linux PC that "tells" the Windows PC to open a specific URL. I know the command in windows is e.g. "start www.google.com", so I think I have to somehow send this command from the Linux to the Windows PC using a Python script. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
237 次
1 回答
那么,PC 的连接方式,LAN、WAN、蓝牙?我假设他们使用局域网。在这种情况下,您可以使用套接字库将数据从一台 PC 发送到另一台 PC。Linux 将是客户端,Win7 将是服务器,请查看此链接,例如:Server/Client implementation
于 2013-11-07T21:49:46.043 回答