I'm trying to use the CouchDB change notifications API in continuous mode, so I want send this _changes?feed=continuous?include_docs=true to my CouchDb server as a GET request. Easy so far, but to get HttpClient to send it I have to do this :-

_changesClient.openUrl('GET', uri)
      .then((HttpClientRequest request) {

        return request.close();

This closes the connection which I don't want, I want to send the request and then just sit listening for incoming data i.e the changes that CouchDB is emitting. I can't seem to fathom this, it seems that HttpClient is geared towards a single shot send/receive model or I'v missed something.


1 回答 1


OK 解决了,结果见上面的错误链接

于 2014-01-29T08:12:27.197 回答